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He was in their bedroom waiting for Laurent to return home. Sitting in the dark with his head filled with thoughts that never left his head for weeks. Thoughts of Laurent leaving him. Of Laurent's nice and genuine behavior to the people around at work, will someday may turn into a feelings to any of them. Of living his life without Laurent by his side anymore. Of Laurent laughing, smiling and happy but he isn't the reason behind it anymore.

Every move, word or touch from Laurent to anyone gets interrupted by Larry differently and he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried, to stop himself from doing so. Knowing that he can't have Laurent only to himself was taking a toll on him.

After the sadness subsided, and the struggle in thoughts disappeared, he felt a sense of resolve wash over him. Now he knows why Laurent acts like this. He know that he's hiding his true feelings. He kow that the only reason that makes Laurent still here with him is the fact that they're twins. He know, and it hurts. But what he doesn't know is that it's all only in his head.

Hours passed and he still there in the cold, quiet room going through circles of unforgivable thoughts. Laurent was his and only his, and no one will ever take him away. He heard the door open and he knew it was Laurent. He knew his routine. He would yell to Larry telling him he was home and head straight to where he is to kiss him and hold him for a while. Then he would ask him about his day, listening to every word, every complain, without interrupting him, and then smiles his beautiful smile that Larry adored so much, telling him that everything will be okay. Larry still wishes to believe that everything Laurent does is genuine, but he can't. He believes his thoughts instead.

"I'm home," Laurent called, and Larry couldn't help but smiles at his love's predictable behaviour. He listened as the door closed, and the rushed steps heads towards their room. Laurent rushed towards him with a happy smile, and hugged him hard that almost caused both of them to stumble backwards, but Larry's strength held both of them in their place. He saw how Laurent was smiling peacefully inhaling his scent, and burying his face in the crook of his neck. His eyes made contact with Laurent's when he pulled back, and looking into those beautiful eyes tugged at his heart. He smiled back, and let Laurent engage them both in a passionate kiss. He slowly pulled away and stared at Laurent without realizing that he been staring at him for too long that worry washed over Laurent.

"Larry?" he whispered, " what's wrong?" He stared into his twin's eyes hoping to read what's going through his head. Larry stood there, inhaling his scent unable to utter a word. He circled Laurent's waist with one arm tightening his grip on him. After being pulled closer, Laurent felt a shiver runs through his spine and tried to pull away, but Larry held him securely.


"yes?" he said coldly. Feeling Laurent stiffen in his grip made him tightens it more.

"Larry baby please tell me what's wrong, you're scaring me."

"I know Laurent."

"What do you mean Larry? know what? baby please just tell me what's going on!" Laurent said with a tear falling from his eyes, the eyes that Larry would do anything to never see them cry, ever. "I'm sorry baby" he said, with a voice that he barely himself heard.

"What-?" Laurent's words were cut off as Larry pushed his lips forcefully against his.

"I love you so much" he murmered against them with tears falling down his face. Laurent suddenly felt something cold against the back of his head. He tried to pull away but Larry had already fired. He watched as Laurent's limp body hit the floor, blood seeping on the floor staining it red.

"We'll be together" he said, as he put the gun to his own head. "forever.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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