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~Lucy ~
     Darkness. I found myself in a pool of water. As I swam around something grabbed my foot pulling me down with a yank as I tried swimming. My golden locks flowed as I kept trying to get myself free from the grip. A final yank as the thing to wake me up.
     Beep! Beep! Beep! A machine went off as I looked around. I was in a hospital bed. Wait I lived? A deep sigh escaped my mouth as I looked at my bandaged arms and legs. I kept looking around taking in the area. Beep! Beep! Beep! Where can I turn off this fucking alarm?! I looked around. It was the heart machine that kept buzzing off and on.
I laid down in the dark room and looked up at the ceiling. Why can't everyone just let me die? I just wanna escape this world. I started at the ceiling with no emotions. I heard some talking outside. The voices sounded so familiar, I had to listen.


Panic ran threw me. I didn't know what to do. I shivered at the thought of what happened last night. How I found Luce on the floor. How she cut herself. I sat outside her room in hopes she'll wake up soon. Erza walked down the hallway and greeted me. "Natsu. Drink this." She said and handed me a water. I drank it and looked at her as she sat down by the chair next to me.

  Ezra sighed. "What happened we were all so happy..." She asked herself in a whisper. I stayed silent my thoughts were dark in scary. My hands cupped my face not showing any of it. Tears streamed down my cheeks. "It's all my fault!" I thought out loud as you could hear my sobs. I felt a hand pat my back. "It's not your fault. " Ezra said as I looked at her. "Yes it is!" I said recalling every word she had screamed at me. It replayed over and over in my head.

    A doctor walked out of her room and faced Erza and me. "She is awake. You can see her."

      Erza looked at me. "Go see her." She said waiting as I stood up and walked into her room. She stared at the window. Her arms and legs were wrapped. I went over to her. "Luce?" I asked.

     "Natsu?" She said and looked at me tears where in her eyes. She looked so pale but beautiful to me. "Why do you talk to a fucked up person like me?" She asked. "Because."

"I love you~"

Okay if you haven't read the first half go check it out on Lilly_Lime 's page! Hope you like it! Untill next time 😘 Mwah

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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