Chapter 1

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Apollo POV
I have been summoned to Olympus by Zeus. "Apollo, you may create a group of boys like The Hunters of Artemis"said Zeus. I flashed out to see who I would pick. I flashed to Camp Half-Blood. I recruited Percy, Travis, Connor, Michael Yew, Leo, Luke, Charles Beckendorf, Ethan Nakamura, Daedalus, Icarus, Perdix, Nico, The Original Perseus, The Original Jason, Hercules, Odysseus, Theseus, Sciron, Phineas(I restored his sight), Chris Rodriguez, Phaethon, Bellepheron, and Orpheus. "Assassins we are going to Olympus for the reward ceremony"I told them after giving them Imperial Gold Armor to put over their Gold Assassin's Clothes. I flashed us to Olympus. I sat in my throne. All of my Assassins were blessed by every Olympian. Only Percy received The Blessing of Olympus. Bright Gold Wings shot from Percy's back as he screamed in Agony. "I move that Percy receives Godhood"Poseidon said. "Who else agrees"? Zeus asked. Zeus raised his hand as well as me, Artemis, Athena, Hades, Hestia, Hecate, Ares, Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hermes. Hera was checking on The Amazons so she wasn't here. We all stood up and pointed our palms at Percy. Zeus chanted in Ancient Greek. Percy glowed gold for a moment and then the glow died down. "All hail Hellfire, Olympian God of Elements, Time, Space, Matter, Gravity, Reality, Pestilence, Conquest, Knowledge, Heroes, Weapons, Weaponry, Swordplay, Swordsmanship, Archery, Defense, Doors, The Eclipse, Monsters, The Hunt, The Wild, Bravery, Hope, Loyalty, Betrayal, Shadows, Blacksmiths, Forges, and The 16th and most powerful Olympian God"said The Fates before they flashed out. "Great Job, my commander"I said to Hellfire. "Thanks"He replied. Luke Castellan is my Lieutenant.

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