Chapter 5

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Joe’s POV

There she was. Her long legs looking amazing as she danced just like they did when I first saw her. Her smile making me smile. Then something happened that made my blood boil and had angry consuming me.

A guy moved close to dance behind her and rested his hands on her hips as she moved close to him. I clench my fist then I feel Gareth’s hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t,” he warns. “You’re not on holiday anymore. It doesn’t matter.”

I know he's right and I even try to turn away from her, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I was jealous and angry. Angry that another man had his hands on her and jealous that it wasn’t me she was dancing with.

Normal POV

I laugh as the music gets louder and as more and more guys turn their attention to Laura and I. I feel a guy rest his hands on my hips and I stop for a second. Just a split second. It was just like before but I know it's not him.

So, I dance on.

The song comes to an end and I walk off the dance floor, heading towards the ladies toilets.


I stand in front of the large mirror fixing my make-up. I after putting my lip gloss on, I turn my attention to putting it back in my bag. I zip my bag up and look back into the mirror. My breath catches in my throat when my eyes lock on the occupant standing behind me. I look at him in the mirror before turning round.

“What are you doing here?” He asks quickly.

“This is a women’s toilet, so I should be asking you what you are doing here.” I correct him.

“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about here, in the UK.”

“My work visa in the US was up, so I returned home to continue my work here.” I explain.

“You can’t be here. You’ll only make this harder,” he grunts, stepping closer to me.

“Do you think I wanted to come here? Trust me, this is the last place I ever wanted to come.”

I watch him as he comes even closer to me, so I turn round and face the mirror again. He stands behind me, body pressed against mine, and slides his hands round the sides of my dress so they rest on the bare skin of my stomach.

“It’s been hard as hell to not think about you since we left each other,” he whispers, bringing his lips down to my neck.

I watch him in the mirror as he starts to move his hands over my stomach under the dress.

“Joe, don’t…” I start to plead.

He pulls his hands away from me and turns me round to face him. “You really shouldn’t have worn that dress tonight…access is far to easy for me.”

His hands reach for the bottom of my dress and  begin to pull it up. I put my hands on his to stop him from pulling it up higher and he looks at me.

I push him away from me and straighten out my dress. “We’re not on holiday anymore. We’re back to reality so start acting normal.”

I pick up my bag and walk out the toilets, heading straight over to Laura who was now standing by the bar. I put my bag down and she looks at me.

“You okay?”

“I saw him,” I answer simply.


“He followed me into the toilets.”

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