Episode 3

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"I'm telling you! I'm not Yixing! I don't have any powers! Let me go!" he said as he wriggled inside the car. They knew his greatest weakness is junk food and so they opened one and offered it to him. "Keep quiet! Now eat!" they said.

Few minutes after, they finally convinced Yixing to behave and act like a normal being in front of the Kim family. They held both of his hands and showed him to Junmyeon's father.

"Is it true that you can heal?" he asked the younger. "What if I tell you no?" Yixing asked back but the securities punched him. "Give respect to Junmyeon's father." they said.

"Junmyeon? Who is Junmyeon?" Yixing asked. "I'll show him to you." Mr. Kim said. "It's okay boys, let him go." he commanded. "Yixing, follow me."

As they walk along the hallway, Yixing couldn't help but to be amazed with all those family portraits pinned on every wall, those expensive porcelains, and the carpet he's walking on.

"Rich family." he murmured. "Yes, we are one of the richest in this town but all our riches useless if we lose our only son, Junmyeon." Mr. Kim said.

"This mister is not a bad person after all." he thought. Mr. Kim opened the door and Yixing got surprised after seeing what was inside it. "That's our son, Junmyeon." he said.

Yixing walked towards the guy lying on the bed. "Hi." he greeted. Junmyeon opened his eyes and saw Yixing. "Are you an angel? You're here to get me?" he asked weakly trying to reach his hand on Yixing's face.

He held Junmyeon's cold hand tightly. "Junmyeon, listen. I'm Yixing. I am your miracle." he said and it made him smile while his cheeks turned pale red.

Mr. Kim left them for a while to talk to his wife. Meanwhile, Yixing sat beside him and watched him sleep. "Master. I know you're here with me right now, please help me heal Junmyeon. Help me. I want to make it right this time, right with this guy in front of me." Yixing thought.

"But he's only an apprentice. What if he fails? What if he kill our son instead of healing? Honey, I know were all desperate of saving our son's life, but I don't trust him." Mrs. Kim confessed. "We've tried almost all possible things, let's give that boy a try. What if he's really Junmyeon's miracle?" he said.

Yixing closed his eyes and held both of Junmyeon's hands. "Master, please help me." he murmured. Unfortunately, he got distracted with the murmurs of the maids outside the room.

"Can he really heal our sick master? I doubt him. I don't believe he can." they said. Because of their noise, he failed and Junmyeon's condition became worse. He suddenly graps for air while clutching his chest. He wriggled on his bed and chocked.

"J-junmyeon! Yah! Junmyeon! Hold on!" Yixing tried to calm him down but he can't. His parents came and pushed him away. Yixing got slapped by his mom. "What did you do to our son?!" she shouted. "Yixing, please get out first. Please." the father said.

I giggled and blushed so much while writing the #SuLay part...
"Junmyeon, listen. I'm Yixing. I am your miracle." 😍

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