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[ Official Fancafe - 170129 ]

Kihyun's replies - Part 1 of 3


Fan : Everyone! Let's play with oppa!

Kihyun : Shall we~?


Fan : I'm going to believe (that you haven't left the fancafe yet). I miss you oppa ㅠㅠ

Kihyun : I haven't left!! I miss you too ㅠㅠ


Fan : I'm playing Pokemon Go at the moment. Do oppas play this too?

Kihyun : I missed catching Magmar just then ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


Fan : [posted a photo of her puppies]
He's our puppy! Isn't he cute ㅠㅠㅠ

Kihyun : *Heol...He looks exactly the same as the puppy I raised before....Exactly the same...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

*expression used to convey surprise


Fan : I miss you Kihyun oppa!!!! I like you a lot ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Kihyun : I also like you a lot 😍


Fan : Relieve your tiredness and have a happy start for your day tomorrow okay oppa?

Kihyun : Of course of course! I'll be happy tomorrow the whole day!!!


Fan : Oppa did you eat a lot of delicious food?

Kihyun : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Of course I did~ Did our (fan's name) eat a lot as well~?


Fan : Hello Kihyun oppa~~ (in English) I miss youu

Kihyun : (in Korean) Hello!! Aida!


Fan : You haven't left (the fancafe) yet right? Did you spend the Lunar New Year well? I hope you receive a lot of luck/ fortune and be happy with us.

Kihyun : I haven't left!!! Did you have a good Lunar New Year? (I do) Receive a lot of luck/fortune!

- 170212

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