⌛️ J E A L O U S Y ⌛️

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I watched, my blood boiling, as Mikasa hung out with that brat on a bench nearby. I didn't have to know him to know he wasn't worth my only sister's time. I watched as she put her hand on his arm, leaving it there for just a little too long. I was about to go up to them and punch him in his shitty face when I saw a hand in front of me.

"LEVIIIII!!! Come on! It's time for science!!!" Hanji squealed in my ear as she shook my arm violently. I yanked my arm away, rubbing the spot where I thought she would rip my arm off. Glaring at shitty glasses, she just smiled like a maniac and danced around. I groaned and turned to my phone. She's like a damn hyperactive puppy.

"Fuck off, you freak. I don't give a shit about Biology," I turned my attention back to the two idiots and saw they were gone. I clenched my teeth as I looked around, sure that the brat was up to no good. I saw them walking down the hall, arms entwined. I stood abruptly, ready to break that stupid idiot. He'll learn not to mess with an Ackerman. He'll regret ever saying hello in the first place after I'm through with him.

I could hear Hanji screeching at me as I walked away, but I stuffed my hands in my pockets and continued on. When they suddenly turned into a classroom, I stopped. I slowly walked up to the door, and standing close, I could hear bits and pieces. 

Mikasa was giggling, and I hated it.

"Eren! You're gonna get me in trouble with my brother!" Her voice was hushed, like she was trying not to get caught. I attempt to compose myself, and was about to walk away when I heard crinkling.

Oh, hell fucking no.

My eyes widen a fraction, before I went and yanked open that damn door. I storm in, and ignoring Mikasa's irritated protests, I walked up and got right in the face of the little shit.

Grabbing him by his shirt collar, I pushed him up against a wall hard enough to crack something behind the cheap plaster. "Listen here, you little piece of shit, stay away from her. Got it?" His eyes widened before looking between me and Mikasa. I stay emotionless, except for my eyes. They're narrowed and cold. I've been told they could freeze hell over.

"Uh... what?" His eyebrows were raised, feigning confusion, which only made me more agitated. Why would he think playing dumb would work? I let go of him, but before he could do anything, I wheeled back and hit him with a good one right in the eye. Mikasa gasped behind me, and the brat was falling on the ground, cursing and holding his head.

I was about to kick him in the ribs when I was yanked back by Mikasa. Considering she did wrestling, she was strong enough to make me stagger. I was just off guard. She was staring me down while I got ready to drag her ass out of there.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Levi? You don't even know him!" She was walking over to help him up, and I just scoffed.

"Do I need to know him to know he's not good enough?" He just looked at me, confused and scared, still holding his one eye. The other was filled with tears. The hurt on his face was enough to make my jaw twitch, but that was it. I felt no remorse for the little shit.

I didn't even take the time to notice how beautiful his eyes were before destroying one.

Mikasa turned him around, and was pushing him towards the door, but before she left, she turned to me.

"You know what, Levi? Stay out of my life. He didn't deserve this. But don't worry, he'll always be better than you, asshole." With those oh-so-kind words, they left, leaving me alone.

Looking around the empty room, I see it's filled with brooms, a couple broken desks, and a bag of chips. I then realize the crinkle sound I heard was the bag of chips. Cringing, I leave the filthy closet, wiping my hands on my jeans. On my way back to my dorm, I pass one where someone is singing. I paused right out of sight and listened, considering he wasn't awful.

"...All I need, need is you to love me, love me for who I am. Please, please, please, please don't judge me.." weird. I know that song. Peeking around the corner, I see it's the brunette, whom I had punched. He was sitting on his bed with a piece of sheet music, an ice pack on his eye. Rolling my eyes, I continued down the hall.  I wonder how he got here so quickly.. Then again, our dorms weren't far from that room.

After reaching my dorm, I collapse on my bed, exhausted from today. I'm down for maybe 5 seconds when I hear someone slam my door closed, causing me to sit up, ready to beat the shit out of them. Seeing it's Mikasa, I groan and lay back down. I thought she wanted me out of her life, after all.

"You're going to apologize to him, Levi." I open one eye to see her standing above my bed, arms crossed, eyes defiant. I roll away, and shake my head. I was not about to apologize to him.

She grabbed my ear, making me clench my teeth, and roll over, "I'm not apologizing to the little fuck, Mikasa. He's not good enough for you." Her mouth practically drops open, her face turning red. What? It's not like it isn't true.

She smacks her forehead, and mumbles something. When she turns to me, her face is bright red.

"Levi, I'm not dating him. He's gay, and he's just my best friend. And he was just sneaking me some chips earlier, since I know you hate junk food. Be real, you basically just told him that he's not good enough to be my friend since he's gay, considering you know nothing about him. Funny how you're just as straight as he is," I clench my eyes shut, ready to hit a wall. I just punched a kid for absolutely no reason. Damn it. Grumbling, I sit up, ready to go apologize now. She just nods, and leaves.

As I walk down the hallway, I see his door is still open. Sighing, I rub my face, and push my hair back. What do I even say? 'Hey, sorry I punched you when I thought you were screwing my sister?' Fuck that. Before I change my mind, I walk up to it, knocking lightly. He jumps, and his eyes widen when he sees it's me.

Practically stumbling off the bed, he's dropped the ice pack and both his hands are blocking him, "Look, I'm sorry, we didn't think you'd find out about the chips!" His voice is rich, and with a light accent. German, maybe? I sigh, and look away, staring at a very specific spot. When I look back, I see he's closed his eyes, ready to get hit again. Sighing, I walk over and yank his hands away, making him yelp and squeeze his eyes shut.

Damn, I really did a number on him.

"Relax, brat, I'm not gonna hit you again. That's why I'm here, actually," he slowly opens his eyes, and I notice the one I hit is already starting to bruise. I must've hit it harder than I thought. I take the chance to get a closer look at his one good eye, and it takes my breath away. Green, yellow, and blue all at the same time. I frown and turn away.

He stutters, trying not to sound scared, but failing, "Y-you're not..?" I shake my head, crossing my arms. He visibly relaxes, and I stand rigid. I'm not gonna let my guard down around him.

"Heard you singing, earlier. You're good. You should join the choir or some shit." He nods, and smiles lightly. I notice his smile is soft, but humble.

He sits on the bed and folds his hands over in his lap, "I don't know. I've thought about it. But that's not why you're here, is it?" I shake my head again, trying to think of other ways to stall. I'm at a loss.

"No, Mikasa told me to apologize. So there you go, brat. But don't read into it." When I dare a glance at him, he has a look I can't read. He slowly smiles though, and nods. I turn to leave, but he stops me first.

"I'm Eren. Eren Jaeger," I don't turn, but I do stop in the doorway. Turning my head slightly, I speak just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Levi," is all I say before I leave, leaving that beautiful brat behind me.

There is no way I'm befriending him.

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