Part 1: Diagon Alley •

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Madilyn's P.O.V

'Madilyn, wake up dear.' I felt my aunt Minerva, slightly shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes and saw her slim figure standing beside my bed and her warm eyes staring into mine. 'Good morning!' I smiled at her and sat up in my small bed. Aunt Minerva had placed a letter in my lap, with a crimson red seal with the symbol of our beloved school marked in it. I couldn't help but smile and opened the letter carefully. I didn't need to read it out loud, since I was sure that my aunt knew every single letter and symbol in this letter. It was my acceptance letter, the one I waited so long for to arrive. I hugged my aunt and got up.

'We are going to Diagon Alley, getting your stuff. We are going together with the Weasley family. They are very kind but they don't have as much money as we do, so don't say anything about that okay?' I nodded. I grabbed my clothes and when I wanted to go to the bathroom but stopped when my aunt spoke to me again. 'They have 7 children, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. Bill and Charlie are already out of school, Charlie works with dragons in Romania I think and Bill works for Gringotts in Egypt -' I walked back to her and put down my clothes. '- Percy is a prefect from this year on and Fred and George...-' She sighed.'- are twins and pranksters, they like to make trouble especially mess with mr. Filch, but they are good guys. They are 2 years older than you. We then have Ron, he will be attending Hogwarts this year aswell. I don't know that much about him. Last but not least we have Ginny, she will be attending Hogwarts next year. I think you two will be great friends.' I was reliefed that there would be at least one of them going to Hogwarts this year in my year. 'Is there only one girl? It must be hard for her, surviving being with al those boys. I wouldn't last a minute!' Professor Mcgonagall laughed and I joined her. 'We will be leaving in a hour, make sure you have enough time to eat to.' She then leaved my room. I grabbed my clothes again and made my way to the bathroom. When I was done I walked downstairs and sat down at the table. 'Are the boys cute?' flipped out of my mouth without stopping it. My aunt chuckled. I started to blush. 'I haven't met Ron yet so I don't know. The twins are okay for your age. I wouldn't date Percy tho, he is a bit to old for you. Why?' She asked. My face was heating up. Did I really just asked that? 'I just wanted to know.' We ate our breakfast in silence and when it was time we stepped to the fireplace. I used the Floo Powder and said 'Diagon Alley'. As soon as I was there I stepped out of the fireplace and waited for my aunt. She followed quickly and we walked to the place were we saw a lot of ginger people standing. I soon realised that it were the Weasleys when my aunt stepped towards them. 'Hi Molly, Arthur, it is good to see you.' I saw the twins and started to look for any differences. 'Hi Minerva, it is good to see you to. This must be Madilyn, am I right?,' Mrs. Weasley was pointing at me. I nodded and shook the hands of all the family members. 'It is nice to meet you all.' As soon as I said that someone else started to speak to me. 'I am Fred, and this person here-' He was pointing at his other twin '- Is George.' I saw my aunt looking to the twins as if they were up to something. Fred and George noticed to and started to speak in sync. 'Hello professor Mcgonagall.' They said with a mischievous look in there eyes. 'Hello mr. Weasley and mr. Weasley.' She then turned to Bill and Charlie. 'I heard that you work with dragons Charlie, what is your favourite dragon?' While my aunt started talking to Charlie I turned to Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. 'Are you excited to go to Hogwarts?' I asked. Before everyone else could speak Ginny started to speak. 'I am going next year. I am still excited for it. I want to see the Great hall! They say that he ceiling is bewitched so that it looks like the sky outside!' I smiled, 'So I have heard. It must be epic!' I smiled and she chuckled. 'And you Ron?' He looked at me like he didn't understanded the question so I repeated it 'Are you excited to go to Hogwarts?' I have only know him for 10 minutes and I could tell now that he is a little bit thickheaded. I smiled at that thought. 'Yeah I am really excited to go to Hogwarts! Magic is really cool! What does professor Mcgonagall teach?' I looked at the twins. 'You didn't tell them, huh. She teaches transfiguration. It is pretty fascinating I think. She told me about you two, you two are pranksters aren't you?' They laughed. My aunt was right, they looked okay. I started to like them, as friends ofcourse. 'Yeah, we are-' George finished the sentence. '-And really good ones to.' He winked. We all started to laugh.

As soon as we arrived at 'Madame Malkin's Robes for all occasions' I saw a boy with messy black hair, round glasses and a lightning shaped scar on his forehead. It was Harry Potter! I decided not to stare at his scar because I knew he would hate that because everyone does that. Next to him sat a boy with light blonde hair and grey eyes. Harry started to look bored as the boy with the light blonde hair started to talk to him. 'For wich school do you want robes from dear?' I turned around as I heard the voice of Madame Malkin. 'Hogwarts.' She turned around wanting to get her stuff but then again turned to me. 'You are Madilyn Mcgonagall aren't you? You are professor Mcgonagall's niece.' I nodded and she turned around. The boy with the light blonde hair walked up to me. 'Hi, I am Draco Malfoy and I am going to be attending Hogwarts this year aswell.' I looked around at Fred and George, hoping that they would notice me but they didn't. 'Hello... I am Madilyn Mcgonagall...' He looked at me with a fascinating look. 'you are the niece of one of the professors, he?' I nodded. I saw Harry looking at us, laughing, but when I gave him a sad puppy eyed look he shook his head no. Great. 'Yes... My aunt or as you should say to her, professor Mcgonagall, is the head of Gryffindor house... ' He started to laugh and I gave him a confused look. 'Gryffindor! Ha! Slytherin is way better!' I started to get angry. 'That is not true! All houses are alike!' Except for Slytherin: I thought. As soon as Fred and George heard me yelling they ran over to me. Finally! 'What is the problem here?' George asked. Draco started to laugh again. 'The problem is that her aunt is the head of Gryffindor! It is the most stupid house of them all! They are good at nothing!' As soon as he said that my aunt walked in. I had to stop Fred and George from punching Malfoy and my aunt Minerva saw that. 'What is happening here?' She asked. Draco started to become pale as he realised that my aunt, the head of Gryffindor, was here. 'Nothing professor... Nothing...' He then ran of. He was scared. Good.

When we finished shopping we went to have a drink and got home. Before we got home I hugged all of the Weasleys. I was really getting along with Ginny, Fred, George and Ron. I switched into pyjamas and went to bed.

Madilyn Mcgonagall (A George Weasley story) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now