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A R T  OF  B L O O D.

Jonathan woke to the sound of yelling. His name was all that he had heard in this moment and flash backs of what had happened at the cabin flashed through his skull. He pulled himself up and dashed down the stairs to see Bryce trying to keep the infected from tearing into his flesh.

"Bryce!" The males name was the only thing he could say as he pulled out his knife. The blonde turned his face towards the door and his eyes shut as the sound of a skull crunching echoed through his ears. When he felt more weight be applied he gave a grunt and slung the body to the side, his hand shooting to the wound on his stomach.

"Here I've got you." Jonathan whispered softly to him. "Are you okay?"

"My stomach..."

Jonathan pulled up the shirt and seen more blood start to fill the blooded cloth. He furrowed his brow. "Fuck. Hold on I've got cloth around here somewhere I jus–" moans came from the door and cut him off. Nails tearing against the wooden door made both men look at one another in fear.

They knew what they had to do.

Bryce pulled himself up while his friend rushed around the house grabbing whatever he could to shove into their bags. Once he was finished with that he rushed over to the blonde and began to sloppily wrap the males bleeding wound since he couldn't waste time.

Bryce pulled himself up and fixed his bag before walking towards Jonathan who had the back door open for them. Once the blonde was past him he pulled the door shut and they slowly began to make their way into the woods that locked around the house as if it was part of it.

Silence filled the air as they made their way down the stray path. The darkened sky seemed to swallow up every inch of land and block their sight. Sounds of wildlife was not heard, instead, it was the sound of their footsteps.

"Jonathan I can't see.."

The soft voice sent a shiver down his spine as the feeling of the blondes hands tickling his side ran through his body. It made him look behind him where the outline of the male could be seen, reflecting against the other darkness. "I can't either, I have a flashlight on the side, can you get it?" The blonde began to feel around until he managed to grab it. Once he did they were greeted with a bright light shining around them.

The light followed into the darkness and acted like a guidance to them, the thick trees surrounded them like shadows. Despite the lonesome feeling washing over them they carried on as if nothing was wrong or happening around them. It was as if the infected that were knocking at their door merely two minutes ago didn't even exist anymore.

They carried on until the flashlight died and all hope had been lost. Bryce grabbed on to the brown haired man's shirt in hopes of support and comfort only to have the other pull away. "This way." Jonathan whispered cooly. He could hear the other give a sigh in response as they traveled on through the darkness then, all of a sudden, the world dropped and they went tumbling down a hill.

Jonathan landed with a groan but the sound of the blonde crying out caught his attention more. He pulled himself up and felt the ground until the feeling of flesh on flesh hit him. "Bryce!" His voice cracked.

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