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After the day had concluded Hanna and Emily sat in their dorm doing their own thing when Hanna spoke up, 'hey Emily, what are we going to do about the Synths?". The Synths was a group of girls from their old school that had formed an a cappella group. Emily shrugged, having forgotten about the whole A cappella group in the craze of the school switch.

She stood up and headed for the door, "I don't know I'm going to go speak to my dad though so if you want you can come". Hanna didn't need to be asked twice, she would go everywhere with Emily if they didn't live in separate houses on different sides of Lima. That's why they were going to go to the same college and live in an apartment together for the four years or for longer depending on the future. Hanna was kind of a clingy friend, not too clingy so that Emily felt suffocated but clingy enough to show that she knew Hanna would never betray her.

They walked down the long twisty halls towards her dad's office, getting lost once and having to ask a passing student. When they arrived they knocked on and stepped in when they heard the faint sound of her father telling her to come in. Just as she was about to speak, she noticed the other presence in the room. "Oh sorry I didn't know someone was in here, oh it's you!"

Sebastian stood up and glared at her, and once again she rolled her eyes at him. She knew rolling her eyes at him would become a habit, yet before she could speak, he spoke first "well, well, well. Are you in trouble already?" his voice scratched along her eardrums, driving her insane. Not because it hurt her to listen to him, but because his voice was so alluring, she could tell that he would have a really great singing voice, even if he didn't embrace it. It was so smooth and could be used in lullabies to sing babies asleep.

Once again Emily rolled her eyes at Sebastian, "Wow, are you still here? I kind of tuned out of your existence the minute I saw you" she shrugged her shoulders and winked at him with a smug smirk tattooed on her face. "I'm actually here to talk to the principal if you're done wasting his time" this time an innocent smile graced her face.

Sebastian and Emily exchanged glares before Emily's father cleared his throat to attract their attention away from each other. "Sebastian leave, and let me think about it, come back after and we will talk about it". After Sebastian left, Richard Watson let out a small chuckle, "well you two get along well, don't you?" which provoked Emily to roll her eyes once again.

"Dad, what are we going to do about the Synths?" Emily was internally praying that her father would have a solution to her problem. As always he did, "Well Dalton has an all-boys choir so you could join them, they meet in the library every lunch and after lessons", even though it was a start, it wasn't the solution she needed, she wanted to keep the synths as an all-girls group, which she promptly told her father. "Well, why don't you go to the library during music lesson and then take turns with the warblers for the library after school" the idea seemed reasonable to her, it didn't seem like too much work to her.

"Okay, who is the captain" a sly smirk grew across her dad's face, and she didn't know what he was going to say, but she knew she wasn't going to like it. Richard Watson had this really evil smirk that he used when he knew something that one of his kids didn't, he never used it with anyone that was outside of the family.

"He just left"


The next day after school they headed to the library for Synths practice as Emily's father had told her that they would have alternating days to use the practice room. Yet when Emily entered the room the warblers stood there, practising. Which shocked her, as her father said he would tell Sebastian about the whole situation, but the more Emily thought about it the more she believed her father didn't tell him so that this exact situation would go down. Her dad was malicious like that.

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