Chapter 1: Hello, My Name is Awkward

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As you can see, I've changed the title! I didn't like the other one. I just didn't. _/(-_-)\_ *shruggy shrug*

Anyways, song is Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute!


"Hello, everyone! You've tuned into Lucky H Radio!" I say into my headset. "Today, I'll be answering some of the questions you've sent to me via Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail. But now, here's Katy Perry with Firework." I press a button on my tablet and Katy Perry plays to everyone listening. I switch my headset off, just in case I have to talk to anyone. One of the interns sets a packet of questions on the desk in front of me. I thank them quietly.

It's been a month since I started LHR (Lucky H Radio), and its popularity has skyrocketed. I reach hundreds, maybe thousands, of listeners every day. People are always wondering who the host is, but I keep my identity a secret. All they know is that I'm a 17 year old girl.

If you were wondering, I work at a radio station called KQZX (Yeah, I'm pretty sure they just chose the oddest letters in the alphabet). They've been good to me, too. Gave me a job, an awesome radio show with the freedom to do whatever the heck I felt like, and they also gave me this sweet tablet.

I haven't even visited Niall, actually. I tried to go once or twice, but he wasn't there, or anyone for that matter. I'm pretty busy with my radio show anyways.

After Firework ends, I switch my headset back on and grab the questions. "Okay, then! I have in my hand the hand-picked questions from you listeners. I'll try to answer all of them, but we might run out of time.

First question is from Emily. Her question is..." I read the question. "Why did you become a radio host? Well, to be honest, I just picked the first building with a job opening. This place just happened to be it."

I look at the next question. "Next question is from Joshua. 'Are you currently in a relationship?'" I pause to laugh. "Alright, then! I didn't expect any love questions, but I guess I have to answer! My answer is no, I am not. And I'm not planning on being on one, either!

Let's just keep on moving, shall we? Next question is from Greta. Oh, I have a friend named Greta! Her question is 'Why won't you bring me any... milk'?" I pause. "Greta, was that you! If you're listening, then I'll pick up some milk for you on my way home.

Next... is from Gavin. He asks, 'Do you come from a different country than England? I can tell you have a different accent, put I can't quite put my finger on it.'" I chuckle. "Why, yes, Gavin! I do come from a different country! Ireland, to be exact."

I spin in my spinning chair while I read the next question. "Next one is from Lillian. Her question is 'Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their names?' Well, I have two brothers. And their names..." I bite my lip. If I told my listeners my brother was Niall Horan, they would find out who I am. The internet is a powerful thing... "I believe that's none of your business," I finish coolly. Yeah, that works.

"Next question is from Zayn. 'Can One Direction come on your show for an interview? Their manager thinks it would be a good idea. And yes, this is THE Zayn Malik from One Direction.'" I gulp and hesitate. "Well... I-I'll talk to my boss." I desperately look at the clock. "Oh, darn! It looks like we're out of time! Good questions, everyone! To play us out, here's Adele with Someone Like You." I tap the song name on my tablet and take off the headset.

The shades that cover the glass of my recording booth rise up until I'm staring into the face of Charlie, the tech guy for my show. "Good show," He says. "You got a little nervous on those last two questions. Something the matter?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2012 ⏰

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