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Day 1, The Pithoigia

Open the wine jars, pour libations
Taste the sweetness of the new wine, dance and sing
Bedeck yourself with flowers, as Dionysos rises, hailing in the new life of spring.
Honour the souls of the dead who walk among us, celebrate the season with no fear
Pass round the consecrated wine cup, toast the Agathos Damion, on this day, the Pithoigia.
Let the wounds of the past be healed, let strength be with us now and in the future
Let our souls blossom like the lilies, rising up from the mud clean and pure
Hail to Dionysos, Hail to Hermes, Hail to the blessed souls that about us go
Hail to the Agathos Daemon, Hail to the Blessed Ones, let the sacred wine forever flow!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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