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"SHIT! I forgot the rope." Ben screamed and looked you in the eyes, "stay here you stupid bitch if you move an inch I'm making this more difficult for you."
You were crying and blood was gushing from your shoulder and stomach. There was no way you were surviving if you stayed but if you ran you might bleed out. Thinking fast you grabbed your phone and ran to the front door, frantically looking for your keys you realized Ben had taken them. You ran out of your apartment and down the stairs as fast as you could move, luckily Bens apartment was on the top floor so hopefully that's where he was headed. It was late, about midnight when this all started. Your creepy landlord Ben had been asking you to go to his place for drinks for months, you always politely declined because he was at least 10 years older than you, 18 year olds shouldn't be seeing people almost 30 right? And you didn't really trust going to someone's house you didn't even know. Especially for drinks.
"JOHNNY!" You screamed into the phone when you heard your brother answer "I need help Johnny please come get me!" You cried into the phone as you ran towards the Saddledome, you lived on 17th avenue and Johnny lived about 5 minutes away from there anyways.
"Whoa whoa whoa, Lena, what's wrong? What happened?" Johnny was frantic in answering.
"Just meet me at the saddledome I need to go to the hospital Johnny I'm already running towards it please hurry!" You kept glancing behind as you ran to make sure nobody was following you, it wasn't busy on a Wednesday night in June, even on 17th avenue.
"Sean we gotta go quick! Lena's in trouble!" You heard Johnny say into the phone and he assured you that he would be there quickly, you made it to the Saddledome and around back where you always met the boys after their games and practiced. You were breathing heavily and trying to keep pressure on your stab wounds but there was no stopping the blood from coming out. Ben was likely on the lookout for you, not knowing what he would have done to you, running was the best choice in this situation, he took your keys because he didn't want you to leave but he didn't realize that you've been a track athlete since you were 10. Johnny arrived and Sean got out of the black truck to help you in and he quickly glanced around to make sure nobody was around. Johnny was driving to the closest medical centre but you were starting to go fuzzy, Sean was in the back seat with you trying to keep you calm and put pressure on the stab marks. The cops had already been called and they were looking for Ben, he wasn't hard to miss he was a 6'5 Atlanta Falcons fanatic, every day he wore Falcons merchandise and today he did the same.
Sean was talking to you, trying to make sure you stayed awake, helping you stop the bleeding but you could feel yourself slipping. Then everything went black.

Sean's POV
"Lena hey, it's okay keep talking to me don't shut your eyes." I was so worried, since the day I met this girl, when she was 16 years old, I've been in love with her, Johnny knows that too. This was just as hard for me as it was for Johnny.
"Lena come on keep breathing okay keep your eyes open don't go to sleep I've got you don't worry I won't let you die. We're getting you help okay, can you say okay Lena? Can you hear me?" I was so frantic, I was sweating, I felt on the verge of tears, a 22 year old man, on the verge of tears is embarrassing to even admit. Johnny had no emotion except anger, how could someone do this to his little sister, his pride and joy and his biggest supporter. He wanted Ben Hanbler dead, or at the very least in jail.
"Lena come on don't close your eyes keep them open, please say something!" Her eyes were fluttering shut and her grip on my hand was getting looser, I didn't even know if she could hear me but I kept trying. When we got to the hospital she was pretty much dead, they told us it would be a miracle if she made it. Calgarians don't sugar coat things I guess, or maybe the doctor was just having a bad day. Either way I felt my heart shatter. Johnny grabbed on to me and started crying, kind of like the way he grabs me when we score, but this time it wasn't celebratory, this time it was devastating. I was trying so hard not to cry, so hard to stay strong for Johnny, he's my best friend but the emotions flooded me. Lena was amazing and funny and smart and witty and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, shorter than Johnny, believe it or not and her eyes were spectacular. One was dark brown and one was sky blue, she was so unique, unlike any other girl I've ever encountered. I'm always covered in puck bunnies and slutty girls looking for sex, i was used to being around women but around Lena it was different. She didn't see me as a young hockey player who she wanted to hook up with, she saw me as a human, she saw me as Sean. I always got butterflies around Lena, her being gone would crush me. I never even told her how much I loved her, I was too shy too, I knew she wouldn't reject me but I was always worried she didn't like me as more than just a really good friend. Lena Esther Gaudreau was the love of my life, I needed her in this world to be whole. I need her to be alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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