12:00 am

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You and Jacob are best friends, you are going trick or treating together. When the clock strikes 12 at midnight you have something very important to tell him. What will you say what will you do? Continue reading to find out . . . 

You are getting ready to go get candy from complete strangers, you dressed as red riding hood. Your little brother comes in Mikey "Hey Mikey wanna come with me and Jacob to go trick or treating" he gives you a weird look. 

"I am going to a friends house so no" you glare at him "your going to a party huh" he coughs nervously "yea right I would never go to a party without mom's permission. . . bye sis love" you shake you're head laughing "he's gone to more party's than I have and he's in middle school". 

Your mom calls you down "Honey, Jacob is here" you run down stairs almost falling "Y/N you-" you grab his arm trying to escape from your mom. She stands in front of the door "wait I have to take pictures of you guys". You whisper under your breath "damn"

After a million pictures we finally get to leave you get into his car "should we go around you're neighborhood first" he nods we get there and find parking. He looks at you for a while you hit him softly "what" he smiles "damn I have a beautiful friend" you blush and get out of the car.

You've been walking around for an hour and a half, your bags are full of candy. You come to a house and there a haunted maze "Okay Y/N if you go in their by yourself then this is end game we can go to my house and choose what movie were going to watch". 

You hear people scream inside "deal" you walk in and you hear a creepy laugh, a bat hits the ground a clown appears you keep a straight face you reach the candy. You walk back you finally get out of there and run to Jacob "let's go" he applauses you "yea lets go". 

He grabs your hand and walk you to the car. You get to his house and order pizza you turn on the tv and watch hocus pocus, the food comes and you get dig in. The movie finishes "can I borrow some of you're sweatpants and a sweater please" he shakes his head.

"No you never give them back" you beg him "please this costume is bothering me" he sighs "fine" you go up to his room change into his adidas sweatpants and his nike sweater. You go back down and start to watch Nightmare Before Christmas. 

That movie finishes you turn to Jacob "want to go and cruz" he nods "Yea just let me just go change" you look at the time its 11:30. He comes back down and gets the keys . His been driving for 20 minutes he stops. You look up and its a beautiful view of the whole town. 

You start talking about all the memories you have made together you look at the time and it's 11:58 you have a song ready for when you tell him the secret "Jacob I have to tell you something very important that has been on my mind for a while" his face gets serious "what is it?" you start to fidget with your hands he grabs your face. 

"You can tell me " you breath in "its . . ." the clock strikes 12 "its christmas time bitch" you scream and blast Last Christmas, Jacob groans and shakes his head. You get out of the car and start dancing he gets out and hugs you "your so weird Y/N that why I-" you didn't hear the last part.

"What did you say" he shakes his head "nothing" and you both start singing to the song. 

P.s play Last Christmas at the end. Hope you enjoyed :D 

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