What Could Come Next?

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~Chapter 1~

I'm 17 and i've lived with my mom for 5 years, my parents split, up my mom gave me to my dad. My mom has never trusted me, if I want to go anywhere she had know where, and when I was going to be home. She caused it "protecting" I called"house rest," I'm tired of her treating me like a little kid. So I went to my room,called my friend and told her I was coming over. I told her I was going to leave in the middle of the night. She asked me why, what happened.

The last time I went over to a friends she yelled at me and said I had no privileges anymore. I told Lynsie that I was tired of my moms bullsh** and needed to get out for a couple days. She told me that I was just overreacting and I needed to talk to her. " maybe she's right I thought maybe I need to get along with a rather than fighting all the time." would it be worth it?

I left the kitchen and went to my bedroom, grabbed my computer. I wanted to seem like I was going to bed, but I think she suspected something. She came into my room grabbed my computer and shut it.

" I know what you're doing!" she snipped.

" yeah I was playing a game,now give it back!" I snapped back.

I rolled so my back was facing her and told her to leave. "I'm not a little kid," I screamed. "You sure are acting like one," she sneared back.

After 10 minutes of my comebacks she left my room. I sighed finally. I jolted up and called Lynsie, it worked! IM leaving soon. I walked out of my bedroom and crept, down the hall. My moms door was 3/4 the way shut. It freaked as I opened it slowly. She was laying on her bed, with her back to the television. I shut her door and tip-toed back to my room, grabbed my bags and my coat and sprinted downstairs. Carefully throwing my bags to the floor grabbing my shoes and slipping them on. "I never thought it would work!" I whispered to her.

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