ten ; angry sex

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T E N ; A N G R Y S E X

'to be human is to be broken and broken is its own kind of beautiful'

-r.m drake

Scarlett lied on a floor creeper, working underneath the bottom of her car, tinkering with a few items here and there

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Scarlett lied on a floor creeper, working underneath the bottom of her car, tinkering with a few items here and there. She had been under the car since she got home from school, still, a bit annoyed by Jessica at lunch. The only way she could ever calm herself down was with sex or mechanics, and well her car was the closest. She had music playing on a small handheld radio beside her, playing a soft indie tune that she hummed along two while working. She heard someone walking into the garage but paid them no mind as she continued,

"Hand me the 6 millimeter ratchet please," Scarlett told whoever was standing in the garage, holding her hand out for it to be placed in. There was a quick search from whoever was there before the tool was given to her. She quickly tightened a small bolt before rolling out from beneath the car. Her hair was up in a complete mess of a bun, with strands hanging down around her face. She wore skin tight blue jeans and a regular black t-shirt, a smudge of oil was on her check as she rubbed it from the back of her hand onto her face.

She looked up at Sam Uley who leaned against her work bench. Besides him was a guy that Scarlett had scene around school back when she attended the reservations high school.

"Well if it isn't La Push's own residential gang," She smirked at Sam and Jared Cameron, "If I could be honest with you guys, you need to step up your game you're not nearly terrifying enough to be a gang"

Sam shook his head, "So you've heard the rumors huh?"

Scarlett snorted, pushing a strand of loose hair behind her hair, "Sammy, everyones heard the rumors. They just dont know what a great big softy you are," She cooed pinching his cheeks lovingly making him scoff and push her hands away while Jared let out a chuckle, only to drop his smile when Sam sent him a glare.

"Scar, this is Jared, Jared this is Scarlett Grey," Sam introduced the pair together who sent one another a small smile in recognition since the two had known of the other, just had never been properly introduced.

"Not that I don't love seeing your pretty face, but what are you doing here?" Scarlett said looking over at the guy she looked up to as an older brother. Sam rubbed the back of his neck,

"I just wanted to see my favorite sister whats wrong with that?"

Scarlett eyes blinked unconvinced, "Cut the shit Sam," The older guy quickly raised up both hands in defense at the girls intimidating stare.

"Fine, I just—we just—we heard you've been hanging out with the Cullen family," Sam started out knowing that Scarlett was just a few seconds away from biting his head off. But he couldn't help but warn her, to do something to make sure she didn't spend time with the bloodsuckers. And if that made him the bad guy then fine, as long as Scarlett was alive and breathing. Just the thought that she was near them, or even as the rumors said, actually friends with them, was driving Sam mad with rage. If they hurt her, if they harmed a single hair on her head, the treaty between the two species would be ripped up faster than they could apologize.

"Sam, don't please," She shook her head but Sam was adamant.

"No Scarlett you need to listen to me okay, they're dangerous," He went to grab her as she turned to walk away and out of the garage. Sams hold was gentle as he was still trying to be careful with his knew found strength and after what happened to Emily his imprint, he couldn't take the risk of snapping near Scarlett.

"Why because they're vampires?" She suddenly blurted as she turned around causing both Sam and Jared to freeze as they stared at her in shock.

"You know what they are, but you're still friends with them? Scarlett common they're monsters!"

"No, they're not Sam," She shook her head saddened, "They didnt ask to be the way they are, not one of them, and quite honestly I don't think anyone of them wants to be vampires, but they try. They try to be good, and they're good to me, and they're nice and they don't judge me, Sam. They're my friends and I thought you were too. But you know what, you're not my dad, or my boyfriend, or my brother okay you don't get to tell me who I can and can't hang out with, in fact, none of those titles of people can do that. Because this is my life, so take your little gang member and get the hell out of my garage," She hissed venomously, only feeling guilt when Sams' face turned to hurt when she told him he wasn't her brother, the older man nodded to Jared and the two left leaving Scarlett seething in her own anger. Why was it that everyone was pissing her off today.

She yanked out her cellphone and dialed the first number she saw, "Hey you busy right now?" The voice on the other side told her that he wasn't busy, "I'm coming over," She told him before flipping her cell closed and heading to her car ready to get all of her anger out of her system, and the only way to do that was good, natural, dirty sex and that was just what she was going to do.

Scarlett moaned as the guy above her had his way, leaving dark love bites traveling down her neck to her breasts and down her stomach. The guys were one of her usual booty calls, and he—Darren Murphy—had no problem with it, besides the one time he asked to take her on a date to which she made it perfectly clear that, she wasn't looking for a relationship. Darren understood, but the sex was good so he couldn't let her go completely so when either was in need of some bedroom company they'd call each other. What they were really good at was angry sex, when someone pushed Scarlett's buttons or Darren's mom angered him, that's when they would call each other up most likely. It was rough and primal, with no emotional connection just pure hot sex and that was all they needed to get all of their rage out of their systems.

After they were finished they lied back against the head board catching their breaths, Darren turned to the dark haired goddess besides him that he just couldn't get enough of, "Wanna talk about it?" He asked, voice rough and steady. Scarlett sighed, "Come on Scar, you've known me for years you can talk to me. You know I'm good for more than just sex,"

Scarlett gave a fake gasp, "You are?"

"Oh shut up," Darren chuckled, "But I'm serious Scar you can talk to me," Scarlett shook her head and stood up walking around the room to pick up her discarded clothing, getting dressed quickly while Darren watched her with a sad expression. He knew she had a hard time with opening up to the people she slept with, it was like if she opened up to you sexually she couldnt do it emotionally, and vise versa, Darren just wanted to be the one she could open to both sexually and emotionally but with the way she tried to avoid any conversation with him he knew that wouldn't happen.

"Thanks for this, really Darren, I needed it. I'll uh see you around," She rushed before all but running out of his house leaving Darren staring after her, she had shown up as quickly as he left. He just hoped that one day she could have someone she could open up too, completely and hopefully that could be him.

Authors Note::

SPOILER— we'll be seeing more of Darren

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