Chapter 1: In the Beginning

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Long ago in the dim past before time was created, there was only Eléantali, the unmeasurable void, for nothingness was the beginning and the beginning was all but nothing. Though, total silence and emptiness existed, nothing more was there.

From this great void, a source of majestic power started to spring, and in the midst of this formless confusion brooded over by unbroken darkness, a primordial egg was produced. It was just there, instantly appeared into the heart of oblivion, as if existed because it needed to exist. It was all of the imposing aura, the sole producer of the greatest power that there was or ever will be. It was of a golden shell omitting waves of the unspoken force around the unlimited blankness which contains power beyond existence.

The waves sent bounced and not long enough in the most unexpected moment it hatched the egg. It cracked gently and into it came out two great powers, which gradually formed into two entities, Ivataro and Euwé. They are called Alquendi, the first of their kind, in which both of them were in between of physical and spirit form.

From Euwé's mind, he formed thoughts to be made and produced the dust of creation, and through this it was used to create a boundless existence which occupied a tremendous space around, it became a field of power, an introduction to his immense plan.

The creation was called Arva, a world steadily floating into oblivion. Ivataro, interfered and covered his brother's creation, attempting to claim it for his own, filling it chaos and darkness. But Euwé took the debris from creating Arva and gazed upon it resulting to omit something strange, for it was never before there, it was light that he crafted. He showered these lights around Arva to be the source of radiance, it was called talariens or stars. It provides light but not as much as he wanted them to for it was dim and won't provide much for Arva.

Ivataro in secret grew hatred upon his brother, and in response sent discord to the world, covering the world again.

Euwé gathered lots of talariens little combined it together, pushing each star to another and finally forming a massive ball called Lundae. It provided more radiance that it lighted all of the world and void diminishing Ivataro. He thought that Lundae's great light would be too much for Arva as it slowly diminishing Ivataro, weakening him.

Euwé took the chance and twisted the massive light in his paws dividing into two equal balls of light. He took a part from one ball and crafted into a chain which he used to bind his brother.

Euwé tossed the greater one on his right side and was called Antiquil or sun and the lesser one into his left side called Narquil or moon. These two balls remained at both sides of Arva as sources of illumination which remained bright and beautiful. The remaining Talariens shone upon the dome above the world called the sky glittering as it contributed more light to Arva.

Ivataro who are now in chains made of light screamed and focused his powers breaking the chains. Still weaken, he flew into Eléantali as he bestowed his own powers to the world leaving Euwé and his creation. Euwé was almighty, he was then the time for he created the now and then.

From Ivataro's escape, Euwé realized that he needs more like of himself to establish and fulfill the plans of existence. For deep within him he knew that Ivataro would come again to disrupt the world. It was that moment that he took a fragment of Arva, dropped it with his essence and dusted it with Talarien. He molded it, shared his breath and mounted his thoughts, he then placed it under his wings thus it came into life, the Daughter of the Father as she was called Blodwen.

Blodwen was full grown and devastatingly beautiful, but not as gigantic as her father. She was living as she was glowing with the stars of Arva and the powers of Euwé. Together with her father, they created a place for life called Nexxa into Arva that would be suited for the planned creation of Euwé, for it was his thought shared with her as their minds are one.

The Great Father spread his wings for the first time and glitters showered upon the world shrouding it with his protection from Ivataro. He flapped his wings producing the first air that encircled Arva.

Blodwen descended into the world like a part of Lundae fell from the sky. Upon touching the field with her feet earth was formed, it was all solid and life-giving. She raised her arms and sprinkled her spirit upon the vast land creating another form of life, it yielded immense forest and deserts. For it was the thought of Euwé, more trees and different flowers grew into the world.

Everything developed well for it was the powers of Blodwen. All things that were done delighted the father and entrusted Blodwen things to be done. He flapped his wings again turning Antiquil and Narquil to orbit around Arva, thus the two phases of the world and its different period started. When Antiquil shows itself it is called Day and when Narquil shows itself it is called Night. The Talarien would be visible at night twinkling above the sky as dimmer light shone upon Arva.

Euwé flew into Eléantali to find and confront Ivataro once and for all, for he knew that his brother would come again to destroy Arva. This caused Blodwen to lament for she was now abandoned and alone. The tears which came out from her eyes fell into the ground, spreading into the depths of the world, filling hollows and spaces becoming the first water of Arva and became oceans and rivers. It was all life giving to the world, nourishing the land and all that grew. Realizing that it contributed to the fertility of the land Blodwen was delighted for she like things and love them.

The abundance of the world stopped her from crying, but the sadness in her heart lingered. It was then the moment that she took out her heart, fading her glow and buried it within the earth which grew into a tree, Andoril. It was the largest among all and the most sacred to her for it was her life force glowing with its silvery leaves and golden trunk. Its roots were buried under the very foundation of Arva holding everything intact depending much on the spring which flows out beneath its largest root.

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