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I blink as the sun shone in my eyes brightly. I don't know how long I've been lying on ground for but I know first period was on.

In the distance I hear car tyres on the gravel and groan. My head was pounding from my beat down by some douches. I look around to see if I was in the middle of the road and I was.

I tried to sit up or roll out of the way but my head just wouldn't stop pounding. I groan and squint my eyes shut in pain. I feel my eyes sting with tears yet again. Everything around me was spinning.

"Ryan?" I hear an all too familiar voice say. I try to open my eyes to see who was there but only ended up being in more pain. I heard them say my name again but in a more worried and rushed tone.

I now know it is Kat who has found me. I also now know that she is beside me, trying to get me to sit up. I hear a car door slam and I groan in pain. This headache was agonisingly painfully. It felt like my brain was going to burst out of my skull.

"Ryan what happened? Oh my god, you're bleeding a lot, are you ok?" I hear Kat say frantically as she eventually gets me to sit up, leaning me slightly against her body. My head was lolling to the side, my neck not strong enough to support the weight of my head.

"Just get me to the nurse" I managed to say to Kat. She said she would try and asked the person who was with her to help me up. I think Chris was with her. I couldn't really tell since everything was hurting and everything sounded like I was underwater.

"Kat, I think it's best we take him back to mine. Mum is home today and she is a nurse. If we take him to the school nurse they can't really do anything..." I started to zone out as he explained why. I must've hit my head really hard. I think What I was experiencing was a concussion.

My body was dragged and placed onto a soft leather seat. I think I'm in the back of someone's car. My mind began to zone out again because I was suddenly on a couch having someone shine a light in my eye.

I felt cool pressure on the side of my head and my face felt fresh. Did someone clean my face? Is there a cold pack on my head? I turn to see Kat with a worried expression holding an ice pack to my head.

"Ryan? Can you understand what I am saying?" Said a woman that I was unfamiliar with. I turn and look at her, nodding my head. Who is this woman? Am I in her house? Where am I? "Ok well I am Mrs. Cerulli, Chris' mum, and I'm gonna ask you some questions, okay?"

I nodded my head and looked around the room I was in. There was a fireplace that had photographs on the mantle. There was deep green couches organised so they were facing the Tv perfectly.

Mrs. Cerulli began asking me questions about myself, like my name, age, weight, height and stuff like that before she began asking what happened. I explained everything as well as I could, hoping that it was enough.

"Alright Ryan, luckily for you I have some pain medication lying around here that will work well for you. I'll go find it now and make yourself at home." She stood up and packed away her things, smiling at me as she left.

I was sat beside Kat on the couch, now holding the ice pack to my head by myself. I felt awkward sitting close to Kat. I felt awkward sitting in someone's home that I don't know that well. I always feel awkward though.

"Hey Ryan, could I go beat up those dudes?" Chris said randomly as he sat sprawled out on the recliner. He had a grin on his face and was flexing his hands, as if he were ready to fight those guys.

I chuckled at him, slightly wondering if he would do it.

"He'll do it Ryan, just say yes." Kat said with a devilish smirk on her face. Chris began saying how he would get the rest of the group to come with him. They both looked like they were ready for a scrap so I just said yeah.

"Alright then, let's get your medication and show those pussy's a little bit of death."


Just like chlamydia

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkk

Alive // Ryan SitkowskiWhere stories live. Discover now