Part 2: The Capture

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We were struggling. Kayla and I were screaming past the tops of our lungs. We could hardly even breathe; due to the fact our soft lips were completely covered in duct tape and tears fastly falling down our horrific faces of pure torture and horror.

         "Shut up you damn unworthy girls!" Charles yelled from the front seat. "We are almost to your new little home. It’s just perfect and cozy for the three of us."

         I could feel my duck taped arms and legs begin to slowly and desperately start to lose circulation. I feel for my back pockets one last check for any cell phone or messaging device. Nope. Nothing was there besides some pocket lint and no hope. I was trying to keep cool as possible but the case was different for Kayla. She kept trashing her self around the van, and screamed more than I did. Which didn't help her situation at all due to the fact that I knew she was in for tons of more trouble than I was, including a nice warm welcome from Charles' belt. I was deadly afraid what laid awaken me at his house. He soon hits his break pedal really fast. My stomach soon hit the floor in my body, which gives me that "I feel like I am going to throw up" kind of feeling.

         As he opened the back door to the classy white creeper van style, Charles greets us with a warm smile of death and hopelessness. First Kayla was dragged into this rugged house by her hands and her knees slid across the cement floor causing her to fight back into going in his house. My face expression was very intensely frightful due to the fact of Charles not returning real quickly and the bloody scream of Kayla. Then after a few seconds of silence I was carefully greeted by Charles. His hideous face with around more than a hundred wrinkles showed, along with his facial hair coming back after a couple of days of not shaving which went well with his dark crazy hazel eyes.

         Once I hit the door into his home he opened it with such greeting, almost like a warm welcome. His house looked a lot like his old house but much more fancy, included hardwood floors and rather nicer looking furniture.

         "All the doors and windows are locked for you, my pretty," as Charles, said in such an eerie voice as he winked at me.

         All I could think about was other possible ways that I could sneak out away from this dreadful horrid place of rotting hell. But as I turned my head slightly to the right, I noticed that his wife was just standing there. She didn't look at us with evil faces. She looked as almost if she was the victim in Charles' life and wanted away from his crazy insanity. Her miserable face glared at me as I was being dragged to what seemed to be like a basement. My new ultimate goal was to get his wife to be on Kayla's and mine side. We needed a way to fight back and with her being his last living family member, I think it might just do the trick.

         I was forcefully pushed down a flight of stairs. My body laid there endlessly and didn't move. The most unbearable hit my body as I went into shock. I peaked my eyes threw my hair just to see Charles evilly laugh at me as I was lying there lifeless on the unbreakable rough cement.

         "Kayla..." I whispered out in a cry. "Kayla you must be down here!"

         I curled up tighter into my ball of frightfulness. I was now hiding from the world, my problem with Charles, and from the cruel reality. Tears ran fastly down my cheeks in horror as I was soon greeted by my first guest of the house. Charles.

         "My pretty little princess," his sinister voice rang through out my ears. "We meet again! How it is my pleasure to be in your presents and get to rather feel you with my own fingers," he said starting to run his fingers down my right side of my body until he got to the edge of my pants. "I haven't touched you in years. You are my goddess. Since you are therefore my goddess or princess, you should get on your knees before things get out of hand like last time my little darling," he said as his fingers leisurely glide past the edge of my underwear.

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