How Did It Ever Come To This ? - Part 1/2

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***Firstly, sincere apologies for the huge amounts of absolute filth and smut in this oneshot. I have been wanting to write a smutty, demanding and ''daddy Gary'' for some time now, but the right chapter just would not 'cum' to me ;) I hope you like it, as I have had the most fun writing this oneshot!

Much love, B***

''Really, Jay? You really feel like this?'' Mark asks Jason softly as we sit in pure shock at the news that has been presented to us.

I can't believe what I've just heard. Has he really just said that? Is this really happening? Is this real?

''Yeah, lads. I'm sorry, but I'm just not feeling it anymore at the minute. I'm just exhausted. I think I just need a break from this album...'' Jay said in a somber tone as he sits forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the dining table in my house after a family meal.

I don't even know what to say. I mean, there is so much flying through my mind right now and there is so much that I want to say, but the words will just not filter through from brain to mouth and come out as words. Nothing will come out!

Finally, after about 10 minutes of silence, and now everyone is looking at me for a decision - as if it's my decision anyway, if he wants a break, it's his choice - the words manage to formulate.

''Wow..erm okay. I'm not going to lie and pretend that I'm not shocked, because I am. It's just that I was not expecting that at all..'' I stutter out as what he has just told us begins to filter through my brain and suddenly starts to sound and feel real.

Jason pushes out a big exhale and I can tell now that this is not a decision that was made overnight. This must have driven him crazy for the last few weeks, months even! This has not been a decision that was taken lightly. Jason has always loved being in Take That.

''Please believe me when I say that I am not quitting the band for good. I just need a time out guys. You know that I have struggled with the return to the spotlight for the last 3 records more than you guys, and it has just worn me out. I'm sorry lads, but it's the truth..'' he trails off which makes my head fly upwards and lock eyes with him.

''Hey up, listen here now Jay, you don't ever, ever have to apologize to us for this. This is your decision and that's it. If you need a break from it, then that's fine. No problem at all, whatsoever'' I say sternly, making sure that he believes every word that falls from my lips.

All he does is nod at me, before standing up from the table with his arms extended wishing for a cuddle. Never one to refuse a hug, I immediately pick myself up from the table and wrap my arms around him, just under his shoulders, burying my face into his chest and try my best not to let any teardrops escape.

''You'll be fine, guys. Ye are three fantastic writers and the creativity that will flow from you guys for the tour will be sensational. I will be front row cheering you on, I promise you!'' he says in my ear, but also to all of the other lads to which they nod their heads in agreement.

''We need a group cuddle I reckon'' Mark pipes up as he brings himself to his feet, brushing himself down and is soon followed by Dougie, who has been surprisingly quiet since Jay gave us the news.

Jason and Howard have always been the closest two in the band, even since the early days. Since day 1, they just clicked. Both of them were the best looking in the band, they are still the two best dancers in the band. They've been brothers since the very beginning.

Dougie engulfs Jay with his arm as we all pull in together for a group hug. Myself and Mark find ourselves standing together with arms wrapped around each other as we squeeze into the embrace. After a few more minutes, we break away before things begin to get really emotional.

How Did It Come To This - A Gary Barlow OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now