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Chapter 1

" Its a boy ! " Kelly the nurse announced 5 feet away from the new proud mother.

" His eyes are green and he seems to have a birth mark on his upper left arm in the shape of a paw print. Whats his name? " she questioned, as she handed the nameless baby boy to Suzan, who was patiently waiting to pick up her newborn.

" Tyler , Tyler Morgan. " replied Suzan in amazement as she recived Tyler.

* The family entered the room *

Suzan recived many compliments about Tyler and was in a very content mood. Although, one of the family members whispered,

" its a shame the father dose not want anything to do with his newborn son. He has the same facial features as his father. "

Suzan was not pleased by the comment made by one of the family members as she wanted the father out of Tyler and her life for good. So she asked politely if everyone could let her sleep as it has been a very difficult and stressful past few days. The family respected her decision and left the room with news to share with other realtives and friends.

The day after Tylers birth, the whole family went to the hospital to congratulate and to drop of their baby gifts. Suzan was happy to see her family but couldn't get over what someone said about Tylers father. She was determined to find out who the person that said it was. So they all came into the room in 2's 3's and as some arrived, others left. Suzan asked the people who went in the room when Tyler was born to stay behind.

When everyone, except, the people who were in the room when Tyler was born left, Suzan said, in a rather upset tone,

" who was the person that whispered about Tyler's dad not wanting anything to do with tyler? "

There was a silence within the group of 10 people and out of no where, her sister said,

" it was me. I said it because it is a shame that such a handsome boy who has done nothing bad to his father wont see his father. "

Suzan didn't want to start up any family feud and she understood that what her sister was saying was true so she kept quiet.

After 4 days, Suzan left the hospital with her mother and Tyler, as she needed help taking the baby presents home. When they got home they unpacked Tylers presents and put away his clothes, diapers, food, etc, in a room that had his crib, changing matress, baby bath. when Suzan was alone with just baby Tyler, she realised something and thoughy to herself,

" Yes, being a single parent with a new born child is going to be difficult, but I know I can do it myself and I also have the support of my friends and most importantly my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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