Chapter 3: Distraction

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John woke up groggy and quickly tried to figure out where he was. He was in an empty room surrounded by glass with a blueish light shining from the ceiling which made the whole room appear blue. Suddenly a man came walking through a door in the background and sat down on the other side of the glass. The man was tall and wore a hat and a suit, his eyes looked as if he stared straight through  whatever he was looking at. "Where am I? Where is my wife?" John yelled out almost angrily. "How are you feeling Mr. Westin?" The man asked as if he didn't hear the questions directed at him. "YOU CAN'T HOLD ME HERE! I HAVE RIGHTS!" John yelled. "That would be true, if we were still in the U.S." The man said as he smiled.


THE man ran through the forest as fast as he could until he ran out of breath. He heard what sounded like a dinosaur coming up behind him.  He turned around with his back to a tree when out of the bushes came charging an adult sized black bear.  John gripped the knife tightly not sure exactly what to do.  The bear stood up on its two hind legs and let out a mighty roar. He cringed at the thought that he may die right here,  alone,  on a deserted island. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw a small crevice that he could fit inside.

John contemplated his options.  He knew the bear was faster so he would have to distract it somehow. He reached in the backpack attempting to find something he could use but he didn't lose eye contact with the bear who was now back on all four legs and slowly walking closer. Suddenly he felt something cold.  He pulled it out and he exclaimed "HAM SANDWICH!" and he threw it at the bear.

Before the sandwich even hit the ground John took off like a lightning bolt towards the small crevice in the ground. He slid like a baseball player heading to home plate and fell about 7 feet in to the ground.  John let out a sigh of relief when out of nowhere his head began ringing and pain courses through his body.  He felt something running down his nose which he found out to be blood. He sat in the crevice for about 15 minutes before looking around for a way out. He stood up and heard a loud hissing sound right next to his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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