The Miracle of Marriage

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Genesis 2:22‭-‬24 CEVUS06
The Lord made a woman out of the rib. The Lord God brought her to the man, and the man exclaimed, "Here is someone like me! She is part of my body, my own flesh and bones. She came from me, a man. So I will name her Woman!"   That's why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person.

The first human miracle, when God created a woman out of a rib from the man. The Lord created the man out of his own image and then created the woman from the man. Together they are one in the spirit in matrimony.

This has been the order of life since the beginning of time. The Lord has placed the man to name all of the animals on the earth.  The physical labor was placed on the on the man in order to carry out the what the Lord has instructed.

The devil knew that the Lord has instructed Adam of what to do, what foods to eat and which ones to stay away from.  Ever had to be told by Adam what foods to eat and which to stay away from.

The Ways of Matrimonial Life

One of the golden rule in a married life is that we both have to have the live and fear for the Lord. God wants us both to agree in prayer at the same time.

So what happened to today's society that when a man and a woman get married, what the Lord has has established since the beginning of time, suddenly got completely misunderstood.  This is what the devil has been planning all along, exactly like he did in the garden of eve. Generations of women wanted to play a dominant role, slowly making their voices heard. 

The Lord knew that this was going to unfold so he had to keep the the order of what has been established since the beginning of time.  Keeping a divine connection with the men, the Lord had to keep the men from falling into a generational curse by allowing the men to be influenced as an inferior, but by maintaining an order that the Lord has established.  

The Lord wanted to maintain his divine connection with the man cause he had created the man first, so that he can give him the instructions on how to keep the matrimony alive.  There will be times that the spouse will try to over exert her opinion and with good intentions, but never to over exceed the authority that was once placed by the Lord.  God always wanted that the man be head of household in order that he can call into prayer the man so that he can explain the things to come.  When both come into agreement to pray, it will please the Lord the most, fulfilling the word of God together.

Building a Relationship

When we are building a relationship with a person, there has to be a mutual agreement to get to know each other. Trust has to be the main goal, when starting a close friendship with one another. 

Like all relationship starting, the one thing that almost always has to be the starting point, is the love and faith in the Lord. Sometimes there are people that are non believers and just fall in love with out caring for Jesus Christ in their lives.  God has to be the main reason why the both of you came together.

When this happens, usually the pastor of a church has to get involved so that the parents can make a mutual consent. After a mutual agreement has been established, the relationship can start with no hidden agendas whatsoever.

Never try to accelerate a relationship with affection that can lead into a fornicative relationship between one then the other.  There is plenty of time to demonstrate your love for one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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