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Welcome back if you have. Beeen reading and thank yoou for keep reading :)

This chapter is going to be informational...

Jessie's pov:

I layed there with the love of my heat in my arms.... she looked so peaceful and phone went off....


Hey bro I'm soo sorry about what I did....

I tried to stop but I haven't hunted in 2 weeks and I couldn't handle myself when she cut her head....I'm so sorry....I did her an your homework.... uh... me and sam are heading home in a few...


Hey me and Ana are already in bed....dude she kissed me...:) it felt so good.....btw Do not come or knock on the door don't bother us....we will talk in the morning...til then ttyl good night and I forgive u...


Okay gn bro I won't bother you...

That was the last thing I wanted to hear so I turned my phone off and layed it back on the bed-side table.

Anna shivered and I wrapped my arm and the blankets back on her.

I kissed her head and she moved closer to me and I fell asleep.


It was the middle of the night when a light knock came at my door...a small knock only a vampire would be only to hear.... a knock only soft enough that ii knew one person who knocks as quite as thatt......


I groaned,...".what samantha?..." I said in only a low voicce that only 'us'... vampire's can only hear....

"I just wanted to check on Anna ..." she said.

"Go away... I told you not to bother us til we leave the room..." I said as I groaned to show my frustration.

"But..." she started to say when i heard a familer voice..."honey, don't bother him...when he says to leave him better leave him alone... you will either be frightened with what you'll see or you will be disgusted... or even both...but just leave him alone.....let's go to bed..." he said with a soothing voice...

I pictured Grant placing his hand on her shoulder... and leaning into her eye and wispering that into herr ear...

"Thanks good night you two...see you guys in the afternoon..." I said sure....that I would be in my room for awhile tomorrow morning...

I looked down at my little angel...

"I promise to love you,....protect you, never lie to you, and never cheat on you,...I vow my life to you...Anna Greenwood... I promise to only lovve you andonly you..for as long as I shaw live...

You are now my wqorld and forever remain my world...." I said and then kissed herr head again and asif she understood me.

"I may not love you yet, but with time I'm sure I will love much as you love might already love me or might love me.." she said and I realized she wasn't asleep anymore...

"Go back to sleep my dear... we will talk about...whateverr you have questions about tomorrow...but til then my love...sleep" I kissed her. Forehead and covered her back upp and wrapped her closely to me as much as she wanted to be...


Sorry that it was a short chapterr but there will be a reason why I ended it right there. I have OGT this weeks and driving class also this week so be patient.

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