Chapter 8

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My brain fills with a million different answers as I stare at the question on the test. I know I know this. Dipping my quill in the ink, I then carefully touch it to the paper. As soon as I write the first letter, it all comes back to me. I’m then rushing to finish my test before class is out. Thankfully the bell rings as soon as put the period on my last sentence. I turn in my test as I walk out of the classroom.


I turn around to see Trisha running down the corridor towards me. A smile tugs at my lips as I stop walking to let her catch up to me. “Hey Trish, what’s up?” I inquire, when she finally reaches me.

“I just missed that whole class because I was talking to Luca,” Trisha frowns. “Was the test hard?”

My shoulders shrug, “It was tedious, but it wasn’t impossible.”

“Ugh, I’m so stupid. I’m awful at keeping track of time,” She laughs. I laugh along with her. I missed having time with Trisha, she’s just a little bubble of joy. “I haven’t talked to you in awhile. We should hang out!”

I chuckle, “We haven’t hung out because you’ve been deathly ill,” I remind her.

She grins sheepishly, “Well I’ve made a full recovery. Seriously though let’s get dinner. At like six? I’ll pick you up from your flat.”

“Sure,” I say. My brain is in some serious need of some girl time. It’s been overworked with exams, and two toddlers.

“Great! See you later Emma!” Trisha exclaims happily. I watch as she bounces away.


“I’m going out tonight.”

Draco’s head snaps up from the Daily Prophet he’s reading at our kitchen table. His eyes narrow, “With who?”

“Trisha,” I answer simply.

“So you're going to leave me alone with the kids, after I’m home with them all day, so you can go have fun?” Draco inquires. I give him a blank stare. Is he serious.

“I did birth them you know, and watched over them for nine months. I don’t think one night is going to kill you,” I say harshly, folding my arms and glaring daggers.

“Calm down Em. I’m just saying, it’s great that you're getting a break and everything but I want one too. I’ve worked just as hard as you if not more,” Draco rebuttals.

“Please tell me your joking,” I laugh. “I’m sorry I’m getting a degree so I can support this family. I know it’s so hard for you to be at home with your kids all day,” I say sarcastically.

Draco stands up from the table, “We both know they’re a handful,” Draco growls. “And I can support this family! I’m sorry I’m trying to let you follow your stupid dreams!” Draco yells. My heart clenches. Stupid dreams? He thinks my dreams are stupid? Maybe I don’t know him like I thought. I can't stand being here anymore. My feet are moving across the floor before my brain has time to register what I’m doing, and before I know it I’m upstairs listening to Draco call my name.


“Em, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that,” I whisper shakily. My back leans against our bedroom door. As I slowly slide down it, so I’m now sitting on the floor. “Your dreams aren’t stupid. I just said it in the heat of the moment. I’m just... intimidated I guess. By your ambition. I’ve never thought I could achieve something as big as you are trying too,” I say slowly. I wince as my voice cracks at the end of my phrase. This girl, my girl, is the only person who I’ve ever cried over. “I love you, Em,” I say.

“I love you too,” She whispers. I now know she must be sitting on the other side of this door because she sounded so close, when her voice is so fragile.

“Can you open the door? Can I come in?” I ask her carefully.

“No. I-I can’t...”

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Just because I love you doesn’t mean I’m not still mad at you Draco. What you said was really hurtful. I’m sorry for what I said too, it was wrong. I’m not going to go out with Trisha,” Emma breaths. Guilt washes over me.

“No go. You deserve it.”

“No I don’t, I need to spend time with Scorp and Brook. They’ve barely seen me this week.”

“Ok, so do you want me to go downstairs?”

“Please,” Emma responds shakily. My stomach knots at how relieved she sounds.

“Ok. I love you, Em. More than you’ll ever know, and I’m sorry.”


“Why was daddy yelling?” Brook inquires. My throat tightens as I help Scorp fit a puzzle piece in it’s correct place. I lift my head until my eyes meet Brooks.

“He was a little upset,” I say. Maybe if I keep it vague I won’t have to explain that Draco and I were fighting.


“He was a little angry with mummy,” I respond.

“Daddy and mummy fight?” Scorp questions.

“Yes daddy and mummy fight, but it’s all better now,” I respond smiling.

“Did he give you a boo-boo?” Scorp quizzes, looking confused. My eyes widened.

“No, of course not. Daddy is too nice for that. You don’t hurt the people you love,” I try to explain to them. But it’s all to true that the people you love, you seem to hurt the most.

“Scorpy huwrts me when we fight sowmtimes,” Brook informs me.

“Scorp, you're not supposed to hurt your sister,” I scold him.

“Sowwy Brooky,” Scorp says frowning.

“It’s ok,” Brook shrugs, giggling. Wow she sure got over that fast. If that’s not a sign that forgiveness goes a long way, I don’t know what is.


My feet pad down the stairs, as I carefully tiptoe into the living room. Draco’s tale frame is draped along the couch that is much too small for him. He’s lying on his back with a copy of Romeo and Juliet laying on his chest. I think he’s rereading that for the fiftieth time. Delicately, I remove the book from his torso, and I set it down lightly on the coffee table. Unconsciously I run a hand through his hair. “Draco?” I whisper lightly. He stirs a bit, before his eyelids flutter open.

“Are the kids alright?” Draco asks gruffly, his voice laced with sleep. My heart warms, as that was the first thing to come to his mind.

“They’re fine. They just got to sleep. Come up to bed, love.”

“You aren’t still mad at me?” Draco asks.

“Of course not. I don’t think I could be mad at you for more than three hours,” I say smiling. Draco grins back. “Come on,” I say cheekily. My hand reaches out, and Draco grasps onto it. He pulls himself up, with not much help from me. Then we walk hand and hand upstairs to our bedroom. It’s times like this when I realize how lucky I really am.

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