In The Beginning

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Hey Readers, I just wanted to thank you for choosing my story. Though I can honestly say that this is my first time ever writing a story on Watt pad I do hope I don't disappoint. Therefore send messages if I messed up in the dialogue or even if you thought something was surprising. Hell, send a message even if you want to kill me after I killed off a person you loved.

Everyone thinks it will never happen until it does. Today I sit here to tell you the story of how I watched my life unfold before me, Sabrina Wilson. It was April 2030 when the economy had the outbreak that made what it is today. It started when our entire government got so corrupted by ISIS that, to prevent them from taking over they shut down everything powered by electricity and left us "Americans" along with the rest of the world to fend for ourselves. Now you might be wondering where they went so to show you, go outside and look up. Do you get it yet, if not, they went into space. When they left, by they I mean the people who flipped the switch, all the laws and boundaries on the entire world were lifted making it a free for all for every criminal in the world. Therefore making a truth that after they pulled the switch, in order to survive you would have to become a criminal.

The way I experienced this was probably the worst way any sixteen year old girl could have experienced it. It was five years ago when the last bomb hit in washington D.C. I was sitting in my window seat writing in my journal, ironic right. I had my window open a crack and could hear the bombs as they exploded against the soil of the U.S capitol. I sat there waiting for the next bomb to go off, and as it did instead of my room filling with the normal fiery red glow, it filled my room with a brighter sense of red, I then looked up and saw the familiar mushroom shape. Immediately I identified it as nuclear because of my school lessons that after a while turned into survival lessons.

I bolted down the stairwell and into the steel cabinet my parents put me in whenever ISIS rounded our house because of the only 1 child rule. The logic of it was that it was easier to hide a sixteen year old normal sized girl, than a newborn baby who didn't know how to stop crying. The next thing that I could identify was the steel cabinet crashing to the ground and me blacking out.

The next morning I woke up to a small light beaming from a hole in the cabinet. I then rolled over and braced myself in a way so I could kick open the doors, which took me a few times but I managed. The wind blew a smell so foul in my face that I only knew of described in books, death. I trailed my eyes to the sky that was raining ash and soot all over my hair. As I slowly lowered my gaze I saw that my entire street had been blown and scattered into shards of glass, metal, wood and more. The trees had been wiped from existence and the only thing I could recognize in the pile that was my house, was a small dirt covered blue journal. I went over to the small book and picked it up. As I examined it I saw that the upper right corner had been burned off.

Then the thought of my family hit me and I started prying up pieces of wood and metal trying to discover their bodies. The more I pulled the more I could feel my body growing weaker and weaker. Then I saw it, my mother's frail and dying hand. I pulled more and more until I could fully see her body.

"Mom?" I called out in hopes she was alive.

"Sabri..."She choked on her words as I cradled her head in my lap.


"James." She choked on more soot as she said my brothers name. "I...put...him in...the closet."

"Mom there is no more closet, and James is dead." I started to break into tears as I admitted the words to myself. "I...I couldn't save him...i'm so sorry."I managed to get out through sobs.

"It's ok Sabrina, as long as one of the Wilsons survived to carry on." I could see the tears running down her face as she put her hand on my face to say her final words. "" And then she was gone and I was holding my dead mother limp in my arms.

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