In the Prison

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"How's it hanging in there?" Derrik chuckled from behind the bars, staring down at his captive. Novus ignored eye contact with him. He was more focused on trying to figure out how he's going to get himself out of here, but the pain kept returning to him.

"Oh you know, a huge headache, great pain in my stomach, my eye black and swelling, I'm doing just fine..." Novus spat back at Derrik, who's smile got even wider.

"Oh come on, don't be so.... SORE about it." Derrik laughed at his own joke while Novus just kept his death glare at him. After he finished his laughing fit, he wiped his eye of a tear and leaned on the bars. "Let's be honest, you're just sour cause you lost to me." Novus hastily stood up and approached the bars, getting agitated by Derrik's cockiness.

"Oh please. I'm not as childish as you to hold a grudge on someone just because they lost to a fight." That wiped Derrik's smirk off his face, replacing it with a frown.

"I wouldn't talk shit to the one who can still whoop your ass. I think you forgot I have the advantage here." Derrik pulled out the same gun he used to taze Novus and deprive him of his magic abilities. All Novus could do was glare at him, keeping his mouth shut. "Yeah that's what I thought."

"What do you even want, Derrik?"

"I'm just checking up on the prisoners is all, kid. It's my job when I'm not out dealing with magical terrorists like you."

"Magical terrorist? You mean me helping the city by dealing with these meteor creature attacks is me being a terrorist?"

"It's less of a terrorist and more of a..." Derrik fiddled with his words. "A threat." Novus scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. Sure."

"Anyway," started Derrik, "I came for you cause the boss wants to talk to you." Novus' eyebrow rose in suspicion.

"Talk to me? Why would he want to talk to me?"

"I guess in a way he admires you. You have taken out a lot of those meteor creatures, plus you did happen to beat the strongest person in the fleet... although I think he's giving you too much credit." Derrik fixed his jacket. "You wouldn't have stood a chance if your girlfriend wasn't there backing you up." Novus' eye twitched at that last part. He would usually correct those who mistook Carina as his lover, but Derrik really wasn't worth it.

"I'm not ashamed to rely on my friends."

"Yeah well look where that reliability got you." Derrik clicked his tongue. Novus sighed and shook his head. "Anyway, I think Sarin just had a proposition in mind that he wants to talk to you about. He might let you go from prisoner to an addition to the P.F.M. fleet. Although, that's just my guess." Novus looked away a little nervously. Why would an important executive of the P.F.M. Organization want to do with him? Does he really want to talk? Or does he wish to see him for some other reason? "Hey, don't sweat it kiddo. He just wants to meet you." Novus crossed his arms and sat back on the bed with a huff.

"Yeah. I'm sure that's what he told you too." Novus kept his gaze away from Derrik now, who stroked back his dark red hair awkwardly. One of the doors of the corridor slid open and a member of the P.F.M fleet in a violet body suit approached Derrik.

"Hey, Derrik. The boss wants you guys up on floor 25 in the bar room."

"So I'm bringing him..." Derrik nudged at the electric blue haired boy in the cell.

"Yeah. Just make sure you have him under control."

"Under control?"

"Yeah. Like at... gunpoint or whatever." The soldier turned his heel and started to walk back out the way he came. "I don't know. I'll see you there." After the soldier walked out, Derrik pulled out his tazer and pointed it at Novus.

"Do I really need to use this?" Novus stared at the tip of the tazer and shook his head. "Good. That's a good boy." There was a click and the bars of the cell slid open. "Just watch your step."
The elevator opened with a ting sound, allowing Derrik and Novus to enter. "Jeez... it's actually kind of cold in here." He held himself and shivered, trying to warm himself up. Derrik patted him on the back.

"Well I'll getcha some whiskey. That'll warm you up."

"Thanks but... I don't drink." Derrik gave a small smirk and chuckled.

"That is so cute."

"Why do you guys even have a bar anyway? Wasn't the point of this to look professional? With all the suits and stuff?" Novus questioned as Derrik rolled his eyes.

"Just cause we're professional doesn't mean we can have a little fun sometimes. Besides, it calms the stress the fleet can get when combating magical threats." The door opened and they both stepped out.

"Aren't there better ways to deal with stress than drinking?" Derrik rolled his eyes and sighed.

"You're such a square." Derrik went up to the bar and ordered a bottle of whiskey. The bartender slid him the brown tinted bottle along with a glass. "Take a seat over there." Derrik nudged towards a small empty table. Novus didn't have much of say so he obeyed.

"I got a question, Derrik." He said as he sat down, Derrik following.

"Shoot, kiddo."

"If you're part of one of the magical tribes, why join an organization like this? Couldn't you do... I don't know... something better?" Derrik poured himself some whiskey.

"It's a good paying job and if you think about it. It's a good cause. Tani and I are basically the only ones with magical powers in the fleet, so it helps out alot." He took a swig of his drink before continuing. "Besides, it's not like I had anything else to do with my life."

"Nothing at all? No dreams of becoming something big? Or following a career you always wanted to do? Did you ever have any goals?"

"The only thing I had in mind as a kid was money. I already knew how things worked around this world thanks to my pop." Another sip. "The world is a cruel, heartless place. The only way to survive is to get the green. The gold. The value. A big heart will give you a ride. A big pile of cash will give you a ride of a rocket powered car. You get me?"

"So basically your whole goal is to accumulate as much wealth as possible then?"

"Your questions and judgement is irritating me, but lucky for you this whiskey is calming my nerves." Derrik took an even bigger swig, taking a deep breath after. "Listen, kid. Your idealism is cute and all, but it's time you thought about the reality of the world. The winners are those with the money. The losers are those on the street. The richer get richer and the poorer get poorer. At Least that's how I think it goes anyway." He poured himself some more whiskey. Novus' golden eyes glanced downward at the table. In a way, he was right. The world sucks and is filled with those treat those below them like shit. The only way to win in life is to have a lot of money. Novus gave a small, sad sigh, now becoming silent. "Aww, come on kiddo. Enough with the frown. You're breaking in my heart. We don't want Sarin seeing you like this, cause then I might get blamed and reprimanded." On cue, the elevator tinged again and the elevator doors slid open. Stepping out was a man in a suit and two guards behind him. The man bears a short, black, bob haircut with narrow grey eyes with brown rimmed glasses. His chin and nose were chiseled which was accompanied by a tall, straight posture. His face was expressionless as he approached the table.

"So that's Sarin..." Novus thought as he stared at the man.

"Alright smiles everybody, here we go." Derrik mumbled.

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