Chapter 1~Willow Skyview

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Willow had always been fond of the sky. Even when she was younger, she had found it fascinating. Some people thought it was ironic, including her dad, because her last name was Skyview. She would spend all day outside, exploring and mapping the forests surrounding her house, or just lying in the grass and watching the clouds slide by.

She loved her parents, little sister, and a tiny bulldog named Rufus. Her life, overall, was pretty normal. Or so she thought.

It all started on a sunny Thursday. The day was like any other. It was July, so she didn't have to go to school. After, eating breakfast, showering, and getting dressed, she said goodbye to her family and went out the backdoor, ready to explore. Walking across her backyard, Willow to whistle. She was planning on exploring a batch of thick evergreens that she hadn't been in for several months. She pushed her way through the undergrowth and looked around. She had already decided that she needed to look around a little more and get to know the area better. Having been in here before, she vaguely knew her way around but didn't have have a mental note of it like she did with the other patches of trees near her house.

She had come into a fairly shaded clearing after a few hours of climbing different trees to get a better look around, adding to her map, tracking animals, and studying the ecosystem. The clearing was surrounded by thick trees and undergrowth so that you couldn't see it until you were upon it. Willow, having been in this area a few times before, had known the clearing existed, but not exactly where before she had pushed through the dense bushes surrounding part of the clearing.

She turned around to examine the way she had entered the clearing, after she was a few paces in, pulling out her map and pencil. Willow sat down on the slightly damp ground and spread the map out on her knee.

They had been watching her since she left the house and had started to follow her when she had entered the forest. The two middle-aged men had crept up to her to the point that t.hey were only a few inches away from her. There was a bag raised between them.

Just as Willow had started to turn around, the men pulled the bag over her head in one swift motion. It was a burlap sack. Obviously, the men wanted her alive. Willow felt herself be pushed from both sides so that she fell to the ground and landed on her back. She knew she should do something, kick or scream, something to fight back. To prove that she wasn't worthless or weak. Yet, she stayed frozen from fear.

As she was dragged into something that felt like it was trying to pull her in six different directions at once, she heard the men whispering. Whispering about execution plans and how some Samron would be happy. The last whispered sentence she heard before she passed out made her blood run cold.

"They'll all be gone by the end of the month."

Word Count:529 Hey, guys. So, as some of you may have noticed, I've taken a break from writing because of school. I just came back to some of the stuff I had posted on here and realized that some of them were horrible. I am in the process of editing this story and a few others. This chapter is not completely edited, but it is getting a little better. I will not be updating anything new for a little bit while I edit. Also, this chapter is a little confusing at the moment because of editing, but it will get better. Promise. Sorry, guys.

Comment if there is anything you would like me to change. Thanks for reading.

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