Chapter 1

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              I, Harry Hoxie, was just like every normal sixteen-year-old boy, played football and traded baseball cards. I had always been a good kid. I did very well in school, I helped out in church, and I was always respectful to adults, well I was until I met Justin Simpson. Justin was always a trouble maker and my parents had never like him, and I always fought with my parents about hanging out with Justin. I yelled at them telling saying, "I WISH YOU WERE DEAD" and "JUST LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK". One day my parents left for dinner with some friends, I never said goodbye. They didn't come back at the time they said they would be home. I started to get worried, but I decided to brush it off. Later that night I got a call from a police official telling me that my parents had gotten in a bad accident on their way home from dinner and were hit by a drunk driver and were both killed. The police told me that I will be moved to my grandmother's house the next day. That's all that I heard the rest was just a blur. All I could think about was, "my parents are dead" and "I never said goodbye".

. . .

Now I am not the kind to cry but that night all I could do was just down and cry. I cried until the police came and picked me up in the morning to take me to my grandmother's house across town the next day.

. . .

It has been four months now since I've moved to the little white house on Charter Street, Hillstone Arizona with my grandmother, but I still can remember that warm evening in June when his parents left for dinner clearly. I had just been in another fight with my parents about me being friends with Justin. I yelled, "I HOPE YOU NEVE COME BACK" as they left the house not knowing it would actually would happen. Even after I told them that I hated them before they left they still told me bye and that they loved me. I just wish I could go back and hug them tight and tell them not to go and that I loved them.

Since I've moved to my grandmother's house my grades have dropped, and that doesn't mean that they dropped a couple points. No that means that when they fell they fell hard. I went from being on Honor Role to needing extra classes and being required to go to summer school in a matter of weeks of the school year. All thanks to my so called "best friend" pressuring me into skipping classes. I finally agreed because ever since my parents died I didn't care about anything anymore. I have lost hope in everything. Everything was black and grey. Nothing was vibrant and full of color. It was all gone. So I listened to my best friend and tried to forget about everything. I get detention all the time for skipping class and vandalizing school property. I also almost always came home late at least I try to because I was scared of my grandmother's neighbor and I tried to keep my distance from him as much as possible. Who's my neighbor you ask, none other than Mr. McGeehan. I have heard many stories, terrifying stories about mean old McGeehan and to say I'm curious about the stories being true is an understatement. That's why I stays away so I don't do anything stupid to get myself killed. One day at school I decided to tell Justin about living next to Mr. McGeehan, and Justin comes up with the great idea about cutting down his orange tree which he loved more than anything. Rumor has it that if you even touch his tree Mr. McGeehan will shoot you with his twenty-two on the spot no questions asked. All Justin would ever talk about was all his ideas to get Mr. McGeehan good. We would always meet every day after school behind the mini-mart to smoke cigarettes to talk, and talk, and talk. That's where we would always discuss their plans about Mr. McGeehan. We would never talk about it at school just to make sure none of the teachers overhear and get ourselves in trouble, and possibly get ourselves arrested and expelled. You see here in Hillstone damaging someone's private property is not taken lightly. It could get you thrown in jail for three years, and jail is not a place for two sixteen-year-old boys should be spending their time.

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