Chapter 2

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              All I could hear were sirens coming from everywhere blaring at an earsplitting volume, and women and children crying. All I could see through the thick rain was the flashing of the blue and red lights. I could see two cars. One was totally crushed and the other car wasn't looking much better. I saw a woman in a stretcher being wheeled away followed by another stretcher but this stretcher had a man lying on it. They were being wheeled to an ambulance. All of a sudden I had a realization that the man and woman on the stretchers were my parents. I start running through the rain chasing after the stretchers. But no matter how fast I ran I couldn't catch up with them. So I stop. I stop running. I just stand there in the rain looking around. There were people. So many people. Men, women, and children. I look to my left and I see a police man shoving a man in the back of his police car. The man was yelling and fighting the cop. The cop gets the man in the backseat and drives off. Then I look to my right. There I see an ambulance with the medics starting to put two people on stretchers in the back. Mom. Dad. I start running again. Just as I'm about to get there a woman who looked to be a police stopped me, but I couldn't tell all I could think was, "my parents, it's my parents". I try to get pass her but she stops me again this time telling me something. I couldn't hear her. I had a ringing in my ears and everything was moving in slow motion. I couldn't think. I couldn't speak. All I could do was run. I ran to my parents lying on the stretchers. I grabbed my mom's hand. I was sobbing. I look at her and she was looking right back at me. She put her hand up to my face and caressed my cheek. I didn't speak I just looked at her. the tears were running down my cheeks. She brings my face down to hers and kisses me on the cheek, and whispers, "I love you, Harry". I just looked at her blinking the tears out of my eyes and tried to regain my voice. I tried to speak but no sound came out only air. So I tried again and I managed to choke out, "I-I lo-ove y-you". I saw a tear fall down her cheek as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I just knew that that was her last. Her hand went limp and became very cold. I drop her hand and look around for my dad. All I see is him in the ambulance in the stretcher yelling to the medics saying, "I see my son. Let me talk to my son". I start to run to him but I am stopped by a medic and I see the doors close shut. Then the ambulance drives away. I start to shake violently. My hands come up to my head covering my ears. I start to scream and cry at the same time. The medics try to get me to calm down, but I can't. I fall down hard onto the concrete hard. I curl up into a ball and scream, "MY PARENTS. THEY'RE DEAD. DEAd. DEad. Dead. dead". a medic tries to help me but I push her away. I get up. I look for the ambulance. I see it turn the corner. I start running. I stop when I've lost it. I start to walk the long walk home. I've walked for about thirty minutes. I stop to take a break from walking since it is very late and I am tired. I notice that I stopped on a bridge. I walk slowly over to the edge. I look over the railing. I look all around me and I see a police man running towards me. I take my chance. I stand up on the rail. The officer stops.

"If you come one step closer, I'll jump", I tell him as he's looking at me with wide eyes

"Sir please get down from there", he says as he starts to walk towards me.

"Don't come any clo...", as I'm in the middle of my sentence lightning strikes, followed by thunder. I am startled from the thunder which causes me to jump a little and I lose my balance. As I fall of the railing I manage to grab the edge of the bridge. The officer runs over to me and leans down and tries to give me a hand to get up. As I am reaching for his hand I lose my grip and I fall... Fall... Fall... Fall.

I wake up drenched in sweat, gasping for air. This is not the first time I've had a dream like this. I've had many fragments of what that night was like and a car crash, but I've never had anything this intense before. I check the clock to see that it is two in the morning. I know I won't be able to go back to sleep after a nightmare like that, and I don't want to experience one like that again. So I just hug my knees to my chest and rock myself back and forth. I try to hold back the tears. I am not successful and pretty soon the tears are flowing down my face just like a river after a flood.

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