I Have You

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The rain pattered on the windows in a soft, rhythmic beat, playing against them like a drum. Brian sat on his sofa, staring out the window whilst sipping his tea. Nature was like a huge orchestra, playing never ending songs. This song was lead by a drum, just like his heart by a drummer. He began tapping is foot along with the beat and his head filled with images of Roger. Roger is the one who leads the beat to his song, the song of his heart. He could control the tempo, just by walking into the room. He could control the rhythm by speaking to him, or with simple touches. Roger was the maestro to his orchestra, albeit unknowingly. Brian sipped the last of his tea and set his cup on the table with a sigh. He was all alone in a big empty house. He doesn't like being alone. The longer his sat there, the more he needed someone with him. He needed Roger. He hasn't seen the blond-haired drummer in about three days. He missed him. He glanced down at his watch, 1:30 pm. Roger shouldn't have plans, he normally doesn't on Sundays. Brian rose from the couch and sauntered over to the phone. Bony fingers graced the buttons as he all-too-familiarly dialed Roger's number. He pressed the receiver to his ear as it rung.

A soft, raspy voice picked up after the third ring. "Hullo?"

"Hey Roger, it's Brian" Brian spoke with a smile in his voice.

"Hey Bri, what's up?"

"Just callin' to see what you're up to." Brian replied, casually.

"Ah, I'm just sitting here doing a whole lotta nothin'!" Roger chuckled. "It's funny 'cos I was just 'bout to ring you up with the same question!"

Brian's grin spread from ear-to-ear with Roger's words. "So, you wanna maybe come 'round to my place?"

Roger took no time at all answering him. "I'd love to. I'll be right over, see you soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Brian scurried around his place and did some light cleaning. He also changed into a purple long sleeve shirt and a pair of blue jeans, not bothering to put on any shoes. As he was emerging from his bedroom, he heard a rhythmic knock at the door. Roger. With a smile, he opened the door and welcomed his guest with a light pat on the shoulder. Just the man's presence made his heart flutter. He wore a white t-shirt under a thin green jacket and blue jeans, along with a wide grin. His hair and jacket were sprinkled with raindrops and his shoes squeaked when he stepped inside.

"Hey Rog." Brian spoke warmly to him.

"I was gettin' lonely there by myself, thanks for having me over." Roger looked around briefly and took his wet shoes off by the door, along with his jacket before making his way over to the sofa.

Brian chuckled softly before replying, "Anytime mate. Say, d'you want some tea?"

Roger smiled at him and replied, "Yes, thanks." Brian walked into his kitchen and prepared them both a cup of tea.

Roger loved being at Brian's place. In fact, he just loved being with Brian. Brian is his best friend, but he can't escape the feeling that there may be something more there. He's had little crushes and has found plenty of girls attractive, but that's the thing, they were all girls. Brian had made him think differently about his sexuality. He really likes him, more than just a crush. When Brian walks into the room, Roger immediately turns all his attention to him. He just can't resist staring at him while he's not looking. Through Roger's eyes, Brian is perfect. If only Roger had the guts to tell him.

Brian returned back with a cup in each hand and lowered one cup to Roger.

"Thanks Bri." Roger reached out to wrap his fingers around the handle, lightly grazing his hand across Brian's. A light crimson color engulfed both of their faces as they adverted eye contact and smiles crept across lips.

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