CH.1 The Night of Flames

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"But dad you never let me stay up late. Please just this once?"

A young (y/n) was sitting on their dad's lap as he was doing some work. There (e/c) eyes looking to their fathers. He looked down a (y/n) and smiled.

"I suppose just this once." He said making (y/n) cheer.

"Not so fast (y/n) you didn't get approval from me yet." As the mother of the child walked in the office.

"But mom, dad said that I could stay up. Please I'll do anything." (Y/n) looked at her mom eyes. The young child eyes being cute. The mother sighed.

"Alright but don't think I'll let you do this often understand."

"Thanks mom I won't ask you that often."

"Don't think you can just ask your father any other day and get away with it."

"Well that plan just got ruined." The three laugh the child enjoying the night.

"We're under attack!"

The voice from outside and a large explosion sound went off. The dad set (y/n) aside and ran out.

"Find somewhere to hide now."

The mom picked (y/n) up and ran to a safe room. All the explosions going off was the worst sound in the world. The two managed to get to a room and stay safe.

"Mom what's going on?"

"I don't know just know that you are safe here. Your father is going to help out anyway possible alright."

That's when the dad opened the door. His face covered in blood and his arm seemed to be broken. He grabbed the two of you and started to run out the back door.

That's when the house that once held the family together was now in pieces. (Y/n) being the only one who was outside. They turned around just to see the whole town on fire.

"Mom Dad." They yelled

"Get away from here."

(Y/n) could hear their mom and looked at the house. The Mom being stuck on on a beam. ( hard to explain if you seen the first episode of Attack on Titan when Erin's mom was stuck now just image Erin's mom being replaced with your mom)

"It's too late for me. Get far away from here as possible."

"I'm not leaving you." The young child holding on to their mom.

"Honey you have to in order to stay alive. Your strong enough to find a safe place from here."

"But I still don't know magic. How can I be strong without magic."

"You'll get magic one day."

The child looked up to see the leader of the group getting closer to them. The mother saw him and looked back at the child.

"Run now and don't look back."

The child got all there strength and ran as fast as they could. The other members of the attack had started chasing after them.

The child ran far until there legs gave up. They collapsed on the ground and knew the other members were coming up close. That's when footsteps were heard. The child looked to see a pair of boots. That's the last thing they saw before their vision turned black.

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