CH.5 Kidnapped

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Third person POV

You and Laxus were walking towards your old Town. You needed to know if your dad was still alive.

"We're getting close (y/n)." Laxus said

You start to get nervous about it. You haven't seen your town since the day it got attacked. Laxus seemed to notice this and grabbed your shoulder.

"You alright?" He asked

"Yeah just nervous really." You responded

After walking you made it. You stopped looking at all the destruction. Houses that's destroyed. You looked at Laxus and he sighed.

"It was a mess when I tried to find if more people survived. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Laxus."

The two of you started walking around and you saw your house. You started shaking thinking about that day looking at the house destroyed. Laxus put a hand on your shoulder making you calm down a bit. Laxus looked to the side and noticed and cellar door. He went to it and opened the door.

"Hey (y/n) you should check this out." He said

You walked over to him and looked down at the cellar. It seemed to still be in good condition even after all of the town being destroyed. You noticed something was off about this. It seemed clean even after all this time.

"It doesn't seem abandoned. I think someone might be using it." You said

"Stay behind me ok." He said

You nodded obeying what he said as the two of you started heading down it. The more you got closer the darker it got. You got to the bottom and noticed a candle lit up. Laxus grabbed it looking around the cellar.

You never seen this before. There was a desk full of papers and other stuff. You looked around and noticed a paper that said D.S. on it.

"Laxus come here I think I found something." You said

He walked over to you and sat the candle down next to you. You held the paper up and examine it more.

Operation D.S

Need one of the following

Natsu Dragneel
Gajeel Redfox
Wendy Marvell
Rouge Cheney
Sting Eucliffe
Laxus Dreyar

Must have

(Y/N) (L/N)

"Wait a minute why are you and I on the list?" Laxus asked

"Wait Laxus look at the names. Do you notice something?"

He examined the names then it caught his eyes.

"All the names on this list are names of Dragon Slayers besides you." He said

"Yeah, just think about it Operation D.S., the names are only for Dragon Slayers. I think Operation D.S. really means Operation Dragon Slayer." You said

"Yeah but if so why is your name on the list. Your not a Dragon Slayer."

"We should take these back to gramps and tell him about what we found." You said grabbing the papers

"Wait a minute. Remember what gramps said about you going on jobs. He'll get mad if you tell him about what we found," He said taking the papers out of my hand and setting it back down, "Besides the people in charge of this would notice there papers are missing and assume it's us."

"Well, Well, Well what do we have here. Someone has figured out are planned now have they."

We both turned around and saw the man that attacked us the other day. He smirked at the two of you.

"I never thought I'd able to get you two at the same place at the same time. But here we are." He said

"(Y/n) stay behind me don't do anything until I say so." Laxus whispered to you.

"Laxus Dreyar, the Lightning Dragon Slayer. Someone who doesn't have a care in the world about anyone but himself. Someone who claims he's strong but is really just a shadow of there grandpa. Face it you'll never be as strong as you say you are." He said

"Listen, if you think I'm not as strong as you say I am then prove it." Laxus said

Laxus ran forward to the man to attack. The man smiled and disappeared. We both looked around to find him. Until he appeared behind you and grabbed ahold of you. Laxus was going to attack but the man pulled out a knife and held it close to your face.

"One move and they're dead. Don't even try anything dumb alright." He said

"Don't even think about hurting them alright." Laxus said

"Then why don't you just do me a favor," He grabbed your hand and showed your (f/c) Fairy Tail mark, "you have two days to get the other Dragon Slayers from your guild to come and meet us at the location on the paper on the desk. As a bonus I'll let you bring your Thunder Legion Friends as well. Do this so we can proceed with our plan. Fail to do this," He started to cut your skin a little showing blood coming out making Laxus clenching his fist, "well you know what will happen now do you."

"Laxus don't do it." You managed to say before you and the man disappeared fromsight.

Laxus POV

I went to the paper to view the location of the place they need to meet up at. Guess I didn't have a choice.

"Don't worry (y/n), I'm coming for you."

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