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A gust of wind landed at my cold skin and curious eyes staring at my back. I am somehow immune to it. They might be wondering why a teenage girl lives at the most biggest mansion on top of the hill.

I shrugged--not caring about what they think and clutch my duffel bag tighter in my hand. I opened the rusty gate creating a squeaky noise and walked towards the mansion. The lawn was quitely trimmed nicely and plants are almost withering.

I finally reached the front porch. As I stepped over the wooden stairs a squeaking noise precedes. I opened the tall mahogany doors and nostalgia hit me as my memories filling my mind and--

I shake my head.

'Memories' I thought.

'Wow, I never thought decorating this house is so tiring' I thought.

I am now currently cleaning and decorating this mansion. Memories of my unwanted past haunting me in every corner I look. So many memories.

"Forget about it Raven. Past is past" I murmured and proceeded cleaning.

After I was done cleaning this mansion I took a bath and called the administrator for my enrolling. "Wellington High" the most privilege schools in America. It says at the brochure.

Although my IQ and GPA past as a college student, maybe even more I can't stop going to school or the government will find me.

I went to the big library where many collection of books stood proud over the shelves. I skimmed the books finding something to satiate my boredom. I read for quite a while but boredom soon follow me.

Maybe I can go in town, to get to know more about this and explore. I also need to shop for groceries and clothes and so much more.

I drove my black Bugatti Veyron and walked over the shop. I see many people gawking at my car but I remained emotionless and focus at the task in hand.

I pushed the door open and bell-like noises produced. I saw an old lady standing behind the counter while arranging something.

"Excuse me, I was told that this is where my school uniform will be picked." I said in an emotionless voice.

"Oh! Hello deary, you must be Raven Breeze what a beautiful lady. I have your uniform right here. Oh! And Welcome to Crestville!" She said in her old cheerful voice.

I put on a fake smile but still devoid any emotion in my voice.

"Thank you. I just need my uniform and I'll be on my way I've got to do something important. Here's the money, keep the change."

Her smile faded a bit but her smile is still present when she heard my blank voice.

"Oh right, here if you had anything wrong with it just come to me and I'll be fixing it in a jiffy."


Although she is a nice lady I can't get attached into this town.

I just can't.



The sun streaming at my face when I opened my eyes as I hear my mom calling my name and my alarm clock ringing so loudly.

I groaned and rise up and stretched my body as I hear my bones cracking. I took a bath and dressed a little sexier this time rather than what I usually wear. I looked my self in the gold-framed mirror. Wow. I see a brown haired--almost black boy, sparkling blue eyes, a toned body with an eight pack abs and of course my signature, my charismatic smile.

I've always want to look handsome especially for the girls. But I think something urge me to dress special this time?

I ran down stairs expecting my family eating five-star breakfast, perks of being rich. I kissed my mom's cheek and nod at my father then pulled a chair as I eye the food serve in our table today. I piled my plate with food and eat my way. Yum.

"So I heard that a new student will arrive tomorrow. A girl." My sister said while staring at me with pointed eyes.

"So? That doesn't mean anything. Heck! Maybe this chick is a nerd or whatever." I rolled my eyes on her plain accusatory.

"Yeah.. Hmm.." She mumbled and continued eating her breakfast.

'What's that all about?' I thought.

I park my car at the vacant spot knowing this is only reserve for me only. I see girls strutting towards me trying to flaunt their bodies and my friends walking towards me.

I put on my charming smile and stride my way to them. Many were trying to get my attention but I simply smile and continued. Who says chivalry died? I see girls fanning their faces, winking at me or possibly yet fainting. And I see the boys having either admiration at their eyes or simply envy.

Well, not everybody is born with beauty.

"Hey man! New car? That's like the 3rd time this week." I heard my friends whistling as they look at my brand new Lamborghini.

"Yeah, it was a gift from my distant cousin or something." I replied.

They still stare at my car with awe or envy.

"Hey Aiden, what are you doing this Saturday night? I am hosting a party. At my house." I hear a woman voice preferably, Michelle.

Michelle is somewhat you call a whore. She sleeps half of the schools male population except me, of course. I am not your typical player, sure I flirt but I am not the kind of boy who sleeps around. I'm waiting for "The One". Call me sissy or something but that's how I've been raised. Not many are willing to stay pure.

Even though everybody knew about it--especially the girls, they take it as a reason, a challenge. But over the years I declined politely or if they persist I tell them in a straightforward answer.

"I'm not sure about that Michelle. My family are having a dinner this Saturday night so I can't come." I made up a lie as I put on my irresistible smile.

"Oh. That's too bad, maybe some other time perhaps." She gave me a hopeful expression.

Ugh. This girl can't take a 'no' for an answer, does she? I didn't give an answer and give her a smile.

"Hey man! Did you hear? A new student will transfer here tomorrow. They say it was girl, I wish she is hot." My best buddy, Seth said.

I see the other boys bobbing their heads up and down wanting the same thing. I rolled my eyes and replied.

"Well, I am excited. There hasn't been a new transferee since like forever. You know I'll be the one to greet her?"

"Yeah, lucky bastard I regret not signing for that committee years ago." Seth whined as I laugh.

"Well, not every student is hot. Maybe this girl is a nerd or a lesbian." Michelle voiced, clearly annoyed the fact it isn't a boy.

I rolled my eyes. Girls.

I hear the bell ring, signaling us to go get into our classes. Many students started to run but I walked knowing I'll be excused.

I am after all "The Golden Boy".

My thoughts drifted over the new girl.

'What will she be like?"


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