Birthday Party

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"How're you today?" DeAndre says, entering my room and closing the door.

"I'm pretty sure that I'll be good today when I come visit the doctor again." I say, smiling.

"You're very happy today. What happened?" He asks, laying on the bed, next to me

"Nothing. But I'm better now that you're here" I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek and resting my head on his chest.

"You're so cute" He says, putting his arm around me.

"Our friendship escalated quickly" I say, looking at the TV.

"I like it... Do you?"

"Yes" I say, smiling.

"Well... It's almost my birthday." He says, smiling at me.

"Really? When?" I say, turning around so I'd be facing him.

"21st July"

"It's on the next week! Wow... This big teddy bear is going to do 25 years." I say, grabbing his cheek, playfully.

"Stop it" He says, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not kidding! You're like a big cute teddy bear that protects everyone that he loves from the bad guys and has a heart with the size of the world"

"You're so cute... What are you going to give me for my birthday present?" He asks, smiling at me.

"Hummm... I have something in mind that I know you'll like. But it's a surprise" I say, smirking at him and teasing him.

"I guess I'll have to wait" He says, pouting.

"Aww... Don't pout"

"Is everything okay in there?" Blake asks, oppening the door.

"Yes, why?" I ask, smilling.

"You're very happy. I'm glad that you're better" Blake says, smilling at you. "Let's go to the doctor."

I take my crutches and head to the car. I start to get nervous and DeAndre hugs me.

We arrive and I sit on the doctor's stretcher.

"Let me see" the doctor, looking at my arms. "Your arms are good. What about your ankle?" He says, taking off the plaster.

I look at my purple foot and become nervous again. DeAndre comes closer and takes my hand to calm me down.

"Does it hurt if I do this?" the doctor says.

"Just a little" I say, smilling.

"You'll still need the crutches for a week but the rest is okay"

I giggle, excited and hug Blake. DeAndre looks at us, smilling warmly.

A week later...

I was on my bedroom waiting for the players to arrive Blake's home because of DeAndre's birthday. I was calmly trying to walk without the crutches to know if I was better.

DeAndre's POV:

My teammates were starting to arrive and greeted everyone and thanked for all their presents.

"Come here, guys! We have to make a corridor for DeAndre to pass" Austin says, calling everyone.

My teammates made a corridor and were gonna slap me when I passed by so I needed to be fast.

"Were you gonna start without me?" Catherine asks, coming down the stairs, smiling.

I run through the corridor and feel all their hands hit me hard on my back.

When I was coming to the end, notice that someone had closed the corridor for me to get more slaps. I pick up that person and hear Catherine giggling.

I run upstairs with her on my back and enter her room. I gently put her on her bed and look at her.


"Where's my present?" He asks me, smirking.

I get up and tackle him to the wall. He looks confused at me and I kiss him passionately. He instantly kiss back and puts his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He smirks through the kiss and picks me up. I break the kiss looking for air and he looks into my eyes.

"I loved my birthday present" He says, smirking back at me.

"I was waiting for a long time to do this" I say, blushing.

"I was waiting longer, babygirl... Trust me" He says, licking his lips.

"And everytime you pouted at me, I just wanted more and more to kiss you"

"Why didn't you do it?"

"Because I wanted to wait for a better time"

"This was the best time, I agree" He says, kissing me again.

Blake's little cousin-DeAndre Jordan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now