The Kid

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The kid living across my house is a primary one student I guess. He usually runs across the road and plays with my bro and my neighbor and his little bro.
Once he wanted to play with us and we don't want to play, he kept on banging on the door. And then my bro said" Balik rumah eh". And then he said " Tak mau!" and then he suddenly started to spit saliva at our house! My bro used the watering hose to wash away the spit and then he suddenly got the idea of scaring the kid by spraying water near him. He sprayed the water next to the kid and then the kid jumped back a little, and then do you know what he did next?
He suddenly ran into the water and shouted"Ahli bombaaaa!" while spinning around like crazy in the water. After that he was all wet. And when he went home, his dad asked him why he was all wet, and then he said "Budak itu" while pointing at my bro. WHAT THE FUCK! My bro didn't even do anything, he was innocent! He just sprayed the water next to him and the kid just ran into the water. Seriously? And his dad believed him! C'mon! I hat my brother, I know but this time he is seriously innocent! And then the next evening, he ran to our house and kept on calling us. There were also several people outside strolling. I shouted"SHUT UP! GO AWAY!" My brother over heard what I said and saw the few people outside, he quickly told me that those were his parents!Oh my god, I did that in front of his parents! Well he kinda deserved it. So I didn't care and continued to study.
This is the end of this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed this as much as I do, I actually hated this book. Anyways...

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