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"Thanks guys." Y/n said as she hugged Franki, Franki jagged back and pet her hair.

"You deserve way better than that Y/n, got it memorized?" Axel spoke up trying to comfort me.

"I think we all agree with Axel." Xemnas pointed out as the entire organization nodded in time.

"Then who do you suggest?" Y/n stood straight after the hug with Franki, Kodie was rubbing her back in a comforting way.

All of the guys looked at eachother, and Larxene walked over to the three girls, they all stared blankly at the males when they ALL pointed to themselves.

"Larxene, be the tie breaker." Kodie suggested.

Larxene sighed. "Well to be honest I ship Y/n with one guy in particular, but I think she should give you all a chance, so all of you, one at a time, take her on a date." Larxene smiled and giggled.

Y/n blushed, who would be the first to take her out? She was dazed.

"Because Y/n is being weird, I'll ask. Who dates her first?" Franki asked, a little protective of her friend.

"We will draw names out of a hat so its completely random." Larxene somehow pulled out a top hat, paper and a pen, she tore up the paper then wrote the names of everyone, then placed them in the hat. "Y/n, draw a name."

Y/n snapped out of her daze and reached in and grabbed a name. "Demyx is first..." She looked up and saw a cheering Demyx while everyone else glared at him.

"Guys, everyone will get a chance to prove themselves to Y/n." Larxene hugged the girl mentioned.

"So when is this date?" Demyx asked really excited.

"After school, now all you boys leave, its girl time." Larxene shooed them away.


A/N sorry this chapter was so short, but the next chapter's will be dates with the organization members. Those chapters will be extra long, probably because I'll have two dates in one chapter.

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