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A/N: Well here I am on the usual Friday night with a new chapter for Toy for you guys!

Well today is the release of Midnight Memories and I'm personally in two minds with this song. I guess I am quite disappointed in the video, because to me it seemed rush and also, I don't know if you haven't realised but Zayn was hardly in that video which really tore me apart as he already faces problems with recognition and now this? It's just not right. Plus this video in comparison to all the others just wasn't right, I know they are going for the whole new styles and everything and it's damn right hot but it just didn't make any sense this time, like the video didn't even go with the lyrics and it all just seemed rush and I'm just rambling on because I'm not the happiest person and also a lot of people liked the video and that's totally fine, but then a few people didn't like the video but are still saying they liked it. If I was part of One Direction, I would like to know that actual truth, they mentioned that in an interview before and it's true so yeah, that's my opinion and I know your won't be the same and I respect that. And no, I don't hate the video because I have a few favourite parts like when Harry was screaming and his tongue was just everywhere oh and that boat ride :)


Midnight Memories video is on the side [we can break the record again!]

Because of that huge rant, I will make the rest of this author's note short, sorry if that rant annoyes anyone but I just needed it off my chest :)

Please keep the votes coming! ^-^

Warning: This chapter contains smut... ;)

This chapter is dedicated to @tottie_zarry because she made me this amazing fan art of the scene from the last chapter where Zarry were driving back, it's so awesome and I can't thank her enough for that :') So check that out ------>>>>

Fact: I'm probably going to enter the Guinness World Book Of Records...

Question: What was your favourite part of Midnight Memories and why? I'll give a dedication for the best answer!

Enjoy my little Toy Soldiers \(♥o♥)/


Zayn throat instantly dries from Harry's words, he opens his mouth to say something however no words tumble out of his mouth, causing his to sink further into his seat.

"What, lost for words?" Harry spits as he takes a sharp turn into the never ending side road.

Fumbling with the seat belt, Zayn glances down because he didn't realise that his actions would have such an effect. He just simply forgot to mention bringing Harry over and also, he thought he made it clear that him and Harry weren't together as he surely remembers not saying that he forgives Harry yet.

Harry glances at Zayn as he stops at a traffic light "So you are just not going to ignore me then?" Harry snaps angrily as his grip on the steering wheel tightens.

"I'm not ignoring you" Zayn whispers, his voice feeling foreign as he was silent for a while.

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