Ghost of a hellish past

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As I slowly woke up and looked over at the cursed machine that was filling the room with an annoying beeping sound, I came to the shock of a lifetime and that was my older sister Lana in the bed next to mine. As I struggled to see through the one eye the doctors had thankfully left uncovered I looked at the date. Spying the newspaper of November twenty-second I stole a glance at Lana and remarked quietly, for I didn't know if she was alive nor dead reasoned from the fact I didn't even know my own name or why I was there I whispered "Well sister we might as well get comfortable because we may be here awhile and happy eighteenth birthday you pain in the ass". As I looked around I could only think of one thing, isn't odd how nearly dying even though you have no idea what happened can make you think poetically, that I may not live to see my 18th birthday in six months.

"Well fuck of course my notebook and novel are on the dresser and it will be a bitch to reach but I will try god damn it" I said, genuinely not giving a fuck if I woke my sister because beauty sleep wont help her as much as she thinks it will, so I made a movement almost falling out of the bed as the tubes fluid with a clear fluid and the IVs flowing silver moved with me rustling until they didn't which was a shock. Feeling the pain as the tubes abruptly stopped, I winced and I grabbed the two items and started writing some dark stories with blood and supernatural abilities, stuff I have seen and wished I had mind you, and about that time two things happened. The first was the doctor walked in to check on me like he had every day for the last three weeks, although I had just woken up. Man comas are a bitch but good when you need a major nap, who knows maybe Lana would be less bitchy... Well I was wrong but hey it was worth a shot as Lana muttered "Um where the fuck are we?" and I had to tell her the truth.

"Fuck if I know sis so why don't you make yourself useful and find out" and sis lived up to her billing and called me an asshole but where is the lie on that, I mean she's not wrong. As she smirked that I didn't respond thus admitting two things, one- her superiority over me and two, and most importantly, that she was right, she smirked I decided to respond the only way I could-pure and brutal sarcasm. "Well miss I know you are hideous and obviously your beauty sleep didn't help but oh brilliant and disgusting queen of battle tell your humble bad-ass where the fuck we are and what the fuck happens next" but unfortunately she didn't know sarcasm and thought I had said good things about her increasing her ego and before she could reply the Greek doctor who had been looking after us said "Oh good you two are awake and two answer the question of where you are, this is a Greek military on the island of Cyprus, and you have been in a coma for two weeks". As I sat there expecting Lana to freak out, I was disappointed she didn't cause it is funny as fuck when she looses it, she replied to the doctor, whose off-white lab coat looked 3 sizes too big

"How did we end up here?" only for a bag of our clothes, shredded and soaked in a mix of water and blood, to be set down and he remarked "that  you have the British and a group of fisherman, although I think they were pirates, to thank for that". As we sat there digesting that little nugget of information it was the doctors turn to ask a question.

"Tell me what brings you to my little sunbaked piece of heaven?" and Lana, not knowing if we could trust him, or anyone else for that matter,and quite frankly I shared the sentiment because something about a bullet to the chest tends to do that to a man, or so that what the x-rays showed, remarked hoping he didn't see through the lie "My name is Joan, yes like Joan of arc because I get that a lot and my brother Charles, must have done something stupid to get shot although I don't know what he did". Taking a minute to size up the two in the beds in front of him, the olive skinned Doctor turned and muttered
"Made a deal with the devil I assume probably street racers or mafia but I will let it go" before undoing my grey worn bandages, Lana remarked, pissing me off to no end, "hey doc you should have kept the bandages on him because that makes his ugly mug look better". As I flashed her a middle finger and before I could respond I felt a burning in my throat.
Coughing and spitting out a reddish-brown almost black mass I muttered as best I could feeling like my throat was on fire "damn it that sucks a lot. I hope it wasn't the aftermath of a feeding tube". After the explanation and the really stunning revelation of yes I did have a feeding tube, I went about a routine for a week of annoying my sister flipping a throwing knife in the air, walking around and going to therapy and trying to find anything to watch. As I settled on the dull routine only to spice it up hearing we could leave in a few days I decided to borrow a computer and start writing and turned on the television and saw a show on street racers with Greek subtitles... Thank god for English shows. As I started to fire up the computer and activated the writing program and started a fan story involving cyborgs and street racers, the whole hospital was plunged into darkness and to make matters worse I hadn't saved so I just lost everything I was working on so yes I am pissed.. It would have been aggravating as hell, it was ten times worse when the guy two rooms down started singing 'its not unusual'.

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