(fight) Harry Styles Imagine

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You were sitting in the couch thinking about how to tell harry that you're pregnant because you just found out your 20 minutes ago that you're pregnant suddenly you snap out in youre tought when the door burst open and slamming hard you look to the direction where the door is and see harry holding a magazine. he's very angry you quickly stand up and he threw the magazine hard to you directly to  your stomach you gasp and quickly put you're hands in you're belly and look down the magazine your eyes widen "WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!!"  harry yell you look at him " i can ex--"  he did'nt let you finish you're sentence " ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME Y/N?!!" he yells "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!! I'D GIVE YOU ANYTHING! THEN THIS IS WHAT I GOT! MAYBE THE FANS IS TRUE!! YOU REALLY ARE SLUT!! I WISH I DID'NT  DATE YOU IN A FIRST PLACE!! I HAT--"  you slap him right in the face that one sting now you're full of crying " HOW DARE YOU TO CALL ME A SLUT HARRY!!! I DID'NT CHEAT ON YOU I'LL NEVER CHEAT ON YOU!! BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!! THAT GUY IS MY FREAKING COUSIN!! HE ACCOMPANIED ME TO BUY PREGNANCY TEST IN THE STORE!!! you yelled at him he look shock then a tear slid down his eyes " i tought you trust me..... i tought you loved me..... but i guess i'm wrong"  you say in whispered then shook you're head he stay silence looking at the ground " wh- where over." you say silently a tears rolled down you're eyes he look at you wide puffy red eyes " no." he says silently hugging you  " no, were over "     you said coldly trying to get out of his grasp but he never let you go " let me go! " you shout  " n- no, pl- please d- don't  leave m- me i'm so sorry i- i did'nt me- mean all  o- of  th- that.i-i'm just  s-s- scared  th- that  someone  s- stole  y- you  fr- from m- me....  i- i love you s- so much..... please."  he say in between sobs and he hug you tightly you can't take it anymore.. you hug him back and buried you're face in the croocked of his neck and sobbing uncontrollably " sshhh.... baby stop crying.. it's okay"  he cooed " you really wish that you did'nt want me to date in the first place?" you say slowly

" ofcoarse not... i love you more than anything.. that word i yell 1 hour ago it's just slip in my mouth"  he said .. harry break the hug and look at you " i'm sorry "  he said sincerly and kiss you passionately you two break the kiss... and harry bent down to where you're belly and hold it and said " i'm sorry baby daddy loves you " he smiled and looked at you and  kiss you're belly.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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(fight) Harry Styles ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now