Chapter 9

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Lucy stood in the dressing room at Mason Industries staring at her reflection in the mirror. She had rid herself of the 1890s dress that Flynn had given her and was back in her modern clothes, a simple white t-shirt and dark jeans. With a shaky breath, Lucy looked down at her partially bare arms. She knew that Flynn's manhandling would leave marks, but she was still shocked by the state of her arms. They were riddled with bruises in various stages of healing, and her wrists bore red rings from being bound to the bed. A knock on the wall next to her dragged her attention away from the mirror.

Lucy unconsciously tried to cover her arms as she turned to face Wyatt, but by the expression on his face it was clear that he had noticed the bruises.

"I just wanted to see how you were holding up." Wyatt said his eyes still on her arms.

"I'm fine. Really. Just tired, ready to fall into bed and sleep for a week." She replied hoping Wyatt did not hear the hollowness in her voice as she tried to project a happy tone. "I am going to head home. I will see you later, ok?" Lucy continued as she moved to walk around Wyatt to the exit, but a gentle hand on her arm stopped her short.

"Lucy, please. I need to know." Wyatt whispered his blue eyes desperate as he searched Lucy's face for answers. "What happened while you were with him? Did he hurt you?"

Lucy shook her head, as she took Wyatt's hand in her own. "No, he never really hurt me. He dragged me around a bit, obviously." she said gesturing to her arms. She wanted to tell Wyatt that she was completely fine, but as she started talking, she found that she could not lie to him. She had been fighting her fear and her tears for so long, and now that she was safe and back with her team, she was not able to hold back any more.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she continued, "I was just so scared. Flynn was so unpredictable, I could never figure out what he would do next. He will do anything to take down Rittenhouse, and he wants me to join him. And I know I should have fought him more. But I did not know what else to do, so I helped him. And because of that at least three men, maybe more are dead."

Wyatt reached for her, wanting to pull her into an embrace, "Lucy, none of this was your fault. Do you understand me?"

"You don't understand." Lucy cried, pulling herself out of Wyatt's arms and backing away from him. Pressing herself against the wall of the changing room, she allowed herself to slide down until she was sitting on the floor. "I was the one who got him into the building where the Rittenhouse men were having their meeting. I opened the door and let him in! Then I followed his instructions and hid while he killed them. I could have done something to stop him, but I was too scared. I just feel so weak."

Wyatt's heart broke as Lucy finally succumbed to the fear and emotion she had been carrying for so long. He quickly moved to her side, wrapping her in his strong arms. "No, Lucy. You are one of the strongest people I know. Flynn manipulated you and forced you to do what he wanted. It was his choice and his action, not yours."

Wyatt could feel Lucy nod into his chest as he continued to hold her in his arms, absently running his hands through her hair and down her back as she calmed herself down.

"Thank you, Wyatt." she said looking up into his eyes. "Thank you for coming for me, for not giving up. And for everything you just said. I needed to hear that."

"Anytime, ma'am" Wyatt replied with a wink. Lucy let out a snort as she swatted him on the shoulder playfully. "Rufus and Jiya would like to go out for some celebratory drinks. You in?"

Lucy smiled, "That sounds perfect. I could use a drink, or ten."

Wyatt stood, offering her a hand up. As the two friends walked out of Mason Industries together, both knew that their fight was not over. Flynn would be at it again in a few days and together with Rufus they would be ready to protect history.


A/N: Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, review or vote on this story. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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