Miracles in December (Sehun story)

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I parked my bicycle in front of the flower shop where I always buy your favorite flowers, roses. After making sure that the bicycle was locked, I walked inside the shop and went straight to the worker asking for the roses. As I wait for the flowers, I recalled the times I brought you here telling me how much you love flowers and wanted to receive them every birthday, anniversaries and Christmas. So here I am buying your favorite flower on a cold Christmas day as part of my present to you. The worker came back with the flowers beautifully arranged and paid for it before going out of the shop.

I unlocked my bicycle and take a look at the time. Seeing that I’ll be late, I hurried up and made my way to our meeting place. Our memorable place. Where we first met. Where I confessed and became a couple. I smiled at the memory and pedaled faster. I can’t wait to see you again.

As I came to our meeting place I looked at the clock and it says there that I was late. I looked for you and smiled as I saw you, but as the cold breeze passes by….you weren’t there. My shoulders flattened as I look at the flowers.

I should have come earlier. I should have left the studio earlier, and then maybe that didn’t happen.

Tears started to fall from my eyes as the bitter memory came back.

That day was full of regrets and pain…

The day when I saw you left me in front of my eyes.

The day when you left me forever….

I hope that time can go back and change everything…

I wiped the tears away and made my way to the cemetery with heavy heart.

As I come closer to your grave, tears can’t stop from falling.

I kneel down and kissed your picture.

“It’s already been a year baby, but it still hurt. It’s all my fault. I never even got the chance to say how much I love you and how much you mean to me. And now I regret the day when I chose my career over you. I hope you forgive me baby. You’ll be the only one in my heart. No one can ever replace you. I’ll never stop loving you until forever ”

A tear fell from my eyes and I smile as I felt a cold breeze embrace me knowing that it's you.

"I love you baby.."


sorry I know it's short....


it's just the feels are eating me up I need to do something to express it


so yeah 

I hope you like it even it's not good ><


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