Chapter 1

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A/N: 3rd fanfic. I'm going to focus on this bc Luke feels. That's why. The story will be full of drama, if you have anything you think should happen, comment below!

Love you guys so much!



'Hey Alice, mom needs you.' I turn around to see my little brother standing in my doorway. 'I'll be right there.' He nodds before walking downstairs again.

It's been quite hectic these couple of days. I'm preparing for a 2 week "vacation".

Not really a vacation. More like a trip for school. I'll be staying with a host family for 10 days in London with my best friend Kylie. We've been looking forward for this like forever. Now that it's finally here, I'm kinda anxious.

[ hey poophead, I'm nervous for this trip to England, wbu? X K

I felt relieved knowing that I wouldn't be the only one a bit nervous.

[ same x A

It was a 10 hour flight from LA to London. Well, that would be fun.

'Alice! Where in god's name are you?'

My mom storms into my room. Her frustated expression disappears within seconds as I see a face of pure fear. 'Mom? Are you ok?'

'I don't know sweetie. You'll be so far away and I don't know, I just miss you already.'

Her eyes start to tear up.

'Mom, I'm 16. I can take care of myself.'

'No drinking.' I can tell by the way her voice suddenly changed she was pretty serious.

'What? This is for school!'

She looks at the ground. 'Promise to call me everyday?'

'I promise.' I walk towards her to take her in my embrace. Her small sobbing wets my shirt but I couldn't care less. She was worried, I would be too.

But I'm worried too.

'Vince is here.' Her small voice cracks as she lets go of me. I look at her with defeated eyes. I've been together with Vince for 2 years but I don't know if I love him anymore. He has been there all the way but something's missing.

'You should let him go Alice, you both deserve better than this.'

I don't respond. 'Hey ladies.' My eyes shoot up and a small smile forms on my lips. As my moms walks away, Vince walks in.

'Alice?' His sudden desparation for my attention makes me forget about my thoughts. 'Hey babe.' I simply say. I peck him on the lips before heading to my suitcase. While I pack a little yellow dress, he starts talking again.

'I'm really going to miss you babe. please text me? Let me know how it's like.' I turn to him, only to see true worry written in his eyes.

'I will.' I quickly say before looking away again. He deserves a lot better than me. He just doesn't know it yet, and I'm too much of a chicken to let him go.

His long arms are wrapped around me from the back. 'You're already leaving tomorrow.' He whispers in my ear. 'I asked your mom.'

I turned around. 'What did you ask her?' He lets go of me and takes off his bag and drops it on the floor. 'I'm staying over tonight. I'll take you to the airport tomorrow because your parents have to go to work.'

I stare blankly ahead. I still love him. I care for him, he has always been here and I've grown so attached to him. His brown hair falls on his forehead softly. His brown, puppy eyes are so soft and he always looks so caring. I walk over to him and hug him tightly.


He moves out of the hug and starts packing my stuff. My feet drag me to my bathroom to take my womany stuff. I look at a package wich I knew exactly what it was.


Me and Vince already started having sex 5 months ago. It was everything except bad but it wasn't that special.

Not with Vince at least.

'Hey babe, this dress I--' I feel his stare clenching on me and I know he saw the condoms in my hand. 'I get it.' I turn to him only to see a huge smirk on his face. He walks over to me. He picks me up from the ground like I'm a feather. He places me on the bathroom counter. 'Here?' His seductive way of saying that one word made me flinch.

Our kiss is synchronized and I feel excitment growing in my panties.

My hand moves up to tug is hair slightly just the way I know he likes. A small moan escapes from his mouth telling me I'm doing it right. I feel his bulge against me and that even makes me want it more.

Before we get to the undressing part my mom yells. 'Alice! Dinner is ready!'

In shock, I stop kissing Vince. We both start laughing like idiots.

This is one of the many things I love about Vince. He always makes me laugh. In any way possible. He picks me up and places me on the ground. He gives me a sweet kiss.

'Finnish me later babe.' He winks at me before walking out of the bathroom.

I quickly follow him downstairs to see my whole family sitting at the dinner table. I take my seat next to Vince.

'Are you packed and ready?' My dad asks. 'Almost.' I smile at him. Vince and my brother Gabriel start

a conversation about baseball and my parents are talking about work.

My phone buzzes and I open the message.

[ hey gurl, im turnt. wre leaving tomorrw asdfghjkl done. x K

Kylie at least feels good about this trip. Not that I don't want to go, I just have a strange feeling about it.

Please let it be good.

When everyone finally finnished their meals, Vince and I walk back to my room to finnish packing.

'Nervous?' He asks. 'No.' I snap. 'Wow, babe I was just asking.'

'I'm sorry, I just...' I don't really know what to tell him. That I don't want to go? Before I can talk again he speaks up. 'I know babe, you want to go but you don't know what to expect and it's freaking you out. But, Kylie will be there and you'll have the best time of your life. Just allow yourself to have fun.'

I jump in his arms and we fall on the bed. 'Thanks.' Is the only thing I say to him before my lips crash into his. His hands move up my tie making flutter.

He breaks out of the kiss and looks at me.

'I love you Alice.'

I crash my lips back onto his and before I know it he's on top of me.


A/N: hella mama!

Ok guys I have the best storyline god damnit

So turnt

Let me know what you think. please


Twitter: @nappieswithluke


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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