Chapter 11

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The usual chestnut shade that glazed her eyes wasn't there, it was just black, empty. The flash of her eyes opening scared them, Braidn the most however. He knew how the system worked, he was used to coming in here and seeing these 'wrong' people look lifeless, almost dead. But never had he seen their eyes open, it wasn't possible.

He tried telling them that, tried telling them that there was something not right here, but Matt and Dan insisted that she was fighting her way out, she always was a fighter. Dan tried to make contact with her again, brushing his hand against hers, but there was no reaction. She wasn't insane, they wouldn't believe it. They couldn't.

"Please you two, stop with this delirious nonsense. We're leaving, and I highly suggest you come with us." Braidn raised his voice, partly out of desperation but mostly concern.

Nathly and Lela followed him out, their hands connected as Lela recovered from the sights she had seen. Avry however, wouldn't budge. She insisted on staying with Matt, one because she didn't trust either of them to be alone in this world, and two because she didn't want him to get hurt.

"Matt let's just go home, okay? My dad is making your favourite meal, although he's not entirely sure why you'd ever mix those two things together." Avry spoke, Dan confused by her care for Matt. He didn't even know they had spoken all that much, let alone were friends. Matt wasn't the type to make friends if he didn't think it wouldn't last, making Dan confused as to what he was doing with Avry.

Matt tried to speak, but he couldn't find any words to say. The image of Freya sat their, wired up to a machine she didn't need to be on, her body hollow.

"Wait your dad is making bangers and mash? Fuck that sounds so good, I'm sure Matt would love to come." Dan aggressively smacked his hand down onto Matt's shoulder, an unsettlingly fake smile plastered onto him as he tried to shake Matt out of his daze. He wanted to ask Matt when this happened, him and Avry being friends. But now wasn't the time.

Matt just nodded, a small but sure smile appearing on his face. Dan could see the guilt on Avry's face, as she hesitated to invite Dan. He just subtly replied with a wink, waving as he left off for Elise's, hoping that was where Charlie and Cody had gone too.


Avry's house was very brightly decorated, mostly using primary colours with white dotted around occasionally. It was a bit hard to look at the first time Matt had come round, but it wasn't as shocking this time.

Across the kitchen stood an older man, Avry's father Marlin to be exact. He initially seemed stressed, but Matt's presence seemed to lift that stress away.
"Ah Matthew, nice to see you again." Her father exclaimed, opening his arms for a hug. That was one thing Matt had noticed, Avry's family were a very close knit family, but they welcomed him in with open arms. He'd only been round twice, once on the second day at lunch and now today, but it somehow felt more like home than his hellhole of a house ever did.

"And you Mr Burlow, it smells fantastic in here, what are you cooking?"

"Well Avry requested I cook an interesting favourite of yours, sausage and mashed potato I believe?"

Avry finally trailed in, Matt unsure of what she was doing outside, and as much as he wished to question it he was too engrossed in his conversation with Avry's father.

"Bless, but where's your cooking partner at?" Matt adverted his gaze from Avry back to her father, his curious expression turning into a loosely forced smile.

"Ah Barton is at work right now, he's unfortunately had to miss out on our daily cooking session. Avry, would you mind setting the table for me?" Avry nodded at his request, gesturing for Matt to follow her into the dining room, the primary colour theme following through to there too.

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