Meet, Scarlet. This Crazy Bitch is Your New Teammate!

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Scarlet's POV:
I followed Captain Levi, trailing behind him as he led me to a simply lit dining room where his team resided. I squealed in delight and did an exaggerated army solute to them with a dopey smile on my face, stumbling slightly from the momentum.

"He~llo~~ there!" I cried out cheerily, moving to embrace them all in a friendly, bone-crushing hug.

"Brat, sit your ass down." Levi-Oops, CAPTAIN Levi ordered harshly. He sent me a death glare, causing me to frown and sulk into my chair, depression trailing me like a dog.

Ha! You gotta be confused by now. Well, I'm Scarlet, and I've been sent to a new team apparently due to my *wiggle eyebrows* amazing skills. Of being crazy that is. Though I am a great titan slayer too I suppose... 

The others sent me a wary look as I immediately bounced back from the rejection, grinning once again as I skipped the last couple feet to my chair. Jumping up a little higher from my last skip, I landed onto my chair with a squeal, my knees softening the impact.

Scooting around so my back no longer faced the others, I sent them a closed eyed smile and shuffled to the edge of my chair. My feet dangled over the edge while my fingers gripped the corners of the chair.

One old guy with greyish-brown hair sent Levi a questioning look, which Levi waved off, pointing to me.

"I'm not explaining, brat, so hurry up and spit it out already." Levi growled with an impatient sigh.

I frowned again and hung my head, waterfall tears escaping my eyes. "Wahh!!!!" I cried out childishly, my feet kicking empty air as I held my fists to my eyes, attempting to dry my 'tears'.

Everyone looked shocked for a second before sending Levi-ack! CAPTAIN Levi a disapproving look.

"I-I was *sniff* sent t-to this-s *sniff* t-team to-to help you out!" I stopped crying towards the end, giving them another genuine smile with my puffy red eyes closed.

The room was quiet for a second. "E-Excuse me... but could you repeat that please?" A girl with short auburn hair questioned me politely, obviously in shock.

Sending her a confused look, I contemplated if I was in a good enough mood to repeat myself. '...Eh, why not. They can't help it if they're deaf.' I thought to myself. Sighing slightly I nodded my head.

"I've been relocated to your team, THIS team, to help you guys out with Titan extermination. In other words, slaying Titans." I pronounced my words slowly, making sure to be extra loud. I honestly thought they might be deaf or something.

They gaped at me and the silence was making me uncomfortable. Levi stood off to the side, boredom clear as day resting on his well-sculpted features. He was just leaning against the wall, and I was thinking if it was worth it throwing this loaf of stale bread at his face to see if his facial expression would change. 'Hmm... it probably would.... Should I...?' Rolling the tough dough between my hands.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, quite rudely may I add, by the oldie yelling at me. He had stood up so fast that chair had slammed into the wall with a 'thud'. Pointing his index finger at me with wide eyes he exclaimed,"This 11 year old brat was sent to OUR team!? To kill titans no less!?!"

'Oh he did not just go there!' I scowled darkly, slowly standing up while they glanced at me nervously. It was obviously no small feat for a child to make it into an extermination team. Let alone the Special Operations Squad.

"First of all..." They gulped, beads of sweat dripping down their faces at the dark aura surrounding me.

"IM 12!!!!!" I wailed childishly, stomping my foot down to make a point as I pouted and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Levi roll his eyes while everyone else gave an exasperated sigh, the tension leaving their stiff shoulders. 'God, they need to loosen up more! Jesus! Oops. Oh holy lords, please don't get mad at me...' I snapped out of my internal conversation, once again, and focused on the people in front of me. Of course, ignoring Levi.... CAPTAIN Levi... But he ignores me too, so it's ok.

"And second of all, you should know that no normal kid could get into this team." They perked up at this, curious. I ignored their penetrating gaze and attempted to fish something out from a pouch around my waist.

"...Wanna know my secret?" I asked, a mischief, yet excited glint in my amethyst eyes. I stopped looking for the object in my pocket, wanting to add to the suspense. They all nodded slowly, leaning forward, eager to catch my next words.

"I have a secret weapon that I use when I'm in a pickle out in the field." I whispered to them as we huddled together. Levi scoffed at the word 'pickle', which I ignored, AGAIN.

"Wanna see it?!" I squealed excitedly, moving out of the huddle and jumping onto the table. I kicked away plates, food, and glasses as I went, earning a snarl of warning from Levi. I mentally groaned, 'Fuck! It's CAPTAIN Levi idiot!'.

"What is it?" Some blond guy questioned, causing me to stare at him blankly. It took me a second to recall the words I had JUST SPOKEN. Mentally face-palming I cough into my fist embarrassed, trying to earn back my lost dignity. (Author: Psh, bish, WHAT dignity?) I turned bright red, stuttering through my words,"O-Oh, umm, you mean the secret weapon?" I asked. Everyone rolled their eyes and nodded.

While I fished it out from my pack I spoke,"Like I said, I take it every time I'm in a pickle. But it takes me a second to get it out and a bit longer for it to kick in. Ah! Found it!" I grinned brightly as I pulled out a soda can, proudly presenting it in front of me for all to see.

As soon as they saw it they  collapsed to the ground. I stared at them from where I stood on the table. Oh wait, Levi didn't collapse. But he doesn't count... Realizing what I just did I mentally screamed at myself 'Ahhh!!! CAPTAIN Levi! For the love all things chocolate can't you just get it once at least ONCE, Scarlet!'

The same blond guy started laughing as he pointed to my sofa can, making me frown softly. "Hahaha! What, you pop out a Pepsi every time your in a, 'pickle'." He said mockingly, smirking as he spoke.

I glared at him, surprising everyone and hissed,"I don't even like Pepsi, Coke is obviously way better, scumbag! They just copied off Coke!" I scoffed. "And it's grape soda you idiot!" They stared at me, the smirk dropping from the guys face.

But I had worse things to deal with. I suddenly notice just how EMPTY the can felt. Oh no... nononononono!! 'This can not be happening to me!!' A look of horror was upon my face as I slowly tilted the top of the can towards me, searching if the top was already opened...

"Nooooooooo!" I screamed, crying out frantically as I saw that... the top was indeed... OPEN.

They all looked at me in concern. Oldie asked me what was wrong but I just blankly stared at the can, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"It's... empty!" I whispered.

I then tilted the soda upside down over my gaping mouth, hoping to see that it really wasn't empty and what came out was....

A drop of grape soda.

"Yes!!!!!" I jumped up, licking my lips. I chucked the can in the trash lying in the corner and beamed at everyone happily. "It wasn't empty!" I laughed, waving my hand in the air dismissively. "We're all good! I just need to get more soda soon~~" I started to feel woozy towards the end.

"Oh my~~ It's already taking effect!" I smirked at them evilly, my personality rapidly shifting to my 'Titan Mode', as I liked to call it.

"I'd run if I were you~~" I called out to them in a sing song voice before I blacked out.

And then....


A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! If you want me to continue I will, just comment and tell me. I'm out, adios!

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