Chapter 1, The Rising of Fire and Air

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-Max's POV-
I sat on my bed and sighd, I just finished arguing with my father, he can be such a pain! I sat on my bed for a while and rememberd to meet up with Adam, my body guard,  near the walls of the kingdom.

I put on my boots and fixed the crown which sat upon my head, and walked out of my bedroom. I walked down the cold stairs and wanderd through the maze like hallways, honestly I've been living here for all my life, which is 17 years, and it's still hard finding my way out of this place!

I saw the two large exit doors and walked faster towards them,"MAX MITHZAN GET BACK HERE,NOW!!!" yelled my father, tuned around slowly, giving him a cold stare. My father's face was red with anger, through gritted teeth he yelled,"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, YOU LITTLE-!?!?!?!?!?""BEEEEEEEEP!!"yelled my mom from the throne room.

She's so kind and sweet, why would she marry such a horrible man, I thought.

"I'm going to meet up with Adam, what else would I do?"I questioned coldly, I quickly walked away before my dad could continued talking. After I got out the door I booked it towards the exit of the kingdom, I saw Adam in his armer,as soon as Adam hears me his hazel (?) eyes dart in my direction, he smiled at me,"So your dad yell at you about your role as a prince again?"asked Adam in a sarcastic tone, I sighd,"Yeah" i say trying t catch my breath. Adam only laughs, I start walking to the gates which lead out of the kingdom, Adam quickly follows behind me,"So where are we going"questions Adam," The Grieving Forest."I say plainly, Adam looks at me with a shocked expression, but looks away with a smirk,"alright your highness"Adam says jokingly as he bows, I chuckle and punch his shoulder playfully,"Don't call me that" I say happily.

We walk into the woods and find a small pond, we sit on a small patch of grass and stare at the sky, we sit in silence, the only souds were the water moving silently, the quiet rustle of the tree's and the cold air."Hey, Max" asks Adam breaking the peaceful silence,"yeah?"I responded,"did you know that the Broken Anchanted' s are gonna chose new Anchanted's"Adam asked, I was stunned, "no, I didn't."I said quietly. Why the Anchanted were called the 'Broken Anchanted'was because Ricky, the best Earth holder and leader, was killed by Queen Jackson,Queen Jackson was the ruler of the yin realm a very horrible and dangerous place, she hated many things but she despised of Ricky's family more than anything. Rumors spread that she stole the Earth gem so she could have all that power to herself, the Earth gem helped Ricky control his power and gave all the Earth holders their power.

My mind continued to think of the Anchanted, since the Earth gem was stolen, the creator of the gems replaced it with a shadow gem. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a rustle in the brushes, me and Adam hopped up and stood in front of me protectivly with his sword out,"WHO'S THERE?!" yelled Adam fiercely, I pulled out my sword as well, scanning the area for any movement, two girls came out of the bushes with matching cloaks one had blond hair and the other black,"WHO ARE YOU TWO" I yelled,"you must be Max." the black haired girl hushed quietly,"And you must be Adam."said the blond girl in a booming voice,"We'Ve CoME To GIve You tWo A GiFT." Said the girls kindly at the same time. They took a few steps towards us, me and Adam watched their every move

The girls took out two boxes, one with an orange bow, and the other with a purple bow, their movements were slow but we still kept our weapons out. The girls set the boxes on the ground,"GooD LuCk YoU tWo!"said the girls happily, then they ran into the woods,"WAIT" I yelled, and took a few steps in the direction they ran, but they were probably long gone. I turn my attention to the boxes, I hesitantly pick up the orange box and Adam picks up the purple box, I open the box slowly and i'm shocked at what I find inside. I find a necklace with a orange gem shaped like a Z with a gold chain, the note shocked me a lot.

Dear Max Mithzan,

You have been chosen to be an Anchanted! We welcome you to our family of heroes!
We assume that you have already seen your gem, we also assume that you're curious about what power you will have, your power is fire.
We warn you to learn to control your emotions, but you will not learn alone since there are seven others. For you to start your training you must come to our base, all I can tell you is ' At the break of morning the white flowers will bloom and guide you'.
We wish you and the rest the best of luck.
From the original holder of fire.
Marv Holly

I looked at Adam, who has the shocked expression I had. I noticed he held a purple, after he done reading his letter he looked at me with an excited expression on his face,"what's your power?" I ask,"I'm the holder of Air, what's your power?!" He asked way too excited,"I'm the holder of Fire"I say,"We should put these on, go to your place and have a mini sleepover, then we wake up really early to get to the base!" Suggested Adam, I nodded and we put them on, Adam's amulet glowed a soft purple while mine glowed an orange, they stopped glowing after a while, Well...WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR!?" I cheered, Adam put his hands in the air. We ran into town, I took a quick glance at the clock tower in the town, it read,"11:16 p.m.". We ran a little faster and soon enough we reached the castle, before we went in I grabed Adam and put a finger over my lips, he quickly nodded, and we walked in as quietly as we could, we walked through the halls and up the stairs in silence.

We walked into my room and I walked to my closet, pulling out a  green backpack," We can share the bag, well if you have any thing to put in it" I said, he nodded taking out some pictures from his pocket, I grabbed a few photos my family had laying around, but one photo caught my eye, it was a picture of my old friend Tim, I remember how much he wanted to be an Anchanted, he'd talk about them a lot, and when I say"a lot" i meam "a looooot", I shook my head ignoring the thoughts. I look at Adam who was sitting on the guest bed taking of his armor,  when he was done he set his armor on the floor somewhere, he layed on the bed and got comfortable, as soon as he did he instantly fell asleep. I decided to do the same, I laid in bed for a while, thoughts clouding my mind which made me tiered and I fell into a dreamless sleep.
I woke up to Adam shaking me lightly,"Max wake up we gotta wake up early, remember?"he said, he knew I wasn't a morning person, I nodded sleeply, I sat up and yawned, he stayed as quiet as possible. We get dressed and walk out of the castle, we get a glimpse at the Grieving forest up ahead, for one last time, I look at the clock tower,"7:16 am"was what I read on the clock.

I look back at the Grieving forest.

I realized something.

I'm gonna miss this place.

Don't worry I'll update tomorrow!

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