Chapter 4. Meet harley quinn

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Jokers p.o.v
She walked in. She wasn't whereing doctors cloths. She was whereing red and black. She is finally mine. I knew I could make her crazy. Now when I get out of here. I'll make her go into acid. So she will Change. I smiled HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAH" I said" "hello pudding iam not harleen anymore. Iam Harley Quinn!" HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA" she laughed crazily . God I love her. " now let's see...hmm...first order of bisuness ...lets get you out of this!  She untied me. "Finally iam free! HAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAA! "Thank you Harley" I went up to her and kissed her. She jumped at first then leaned into me" then(sadly) we needed air. " oh I knew there was something special about you" a smile went on my face. " like you said pudding no one else has the name harleen quinzel , iam tired of being a good doctor" " iam leaving this place to become crazy haha!" She giggled evilly . God I love her. " ok let's get outa here." I said. Then of corese the gaurds had to come. "HEY STOP RIGHT TH..." He looked at Harley" "hello boys! She giggled" "h...harleen?" The gaurds said scaredly . " iam not HARLEEN! " she went crazy . "SHOOT HER!" The gaurds said. "Ahaha" she said. The gaurds started to shoot. Some how Harley did flips and avoided the bullets. She went up behind them. "Don't mess with me" then she choked all the gaurds. One of them hit Harley. Then I got mad. "HEY DOUCHBAG DONT MESS WITH MY GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! I grabbed a gun and started firing at them and laughing . HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHA!  Then all the gaurds where laying there dead. There was no way out but the window. Harley looked at it and jumped out! "HARLEY NO!" "Don't worrie pudding! She pulled on a parachute " we have parachutes now jump!" I jumped out the window and pulled my parachute. I went past Harley. "See you on the ground!" I went  on the ground and took off my parachute . "Weeeeee! " Harley said then her parachute broke. "PUDDING!!!!!" "ILL CATCH YOU HARLEY!" She fell down and into my arms. We looked into each other's eyes . I leaned in and kissed her. She made me go soft............

Harley's p.o.v
He...saved me. Actually saved me! He cares about me! I knew it. He wouldn't let me die.would he? Then I started humming a song again
I started a joke ......
Then they all died....
I stared a joke ....
But the joke.....was on......


How did you guys like it? I loved it and I hope you guys did to! Thanks for reading! Byeeeeeeee! 🃏🃏🃏🃏🃏🃏

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