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Sorry I took so long updating I will try and update quicker next time I am the one writing the chapter! Thanks for reading and whoever comments gets a dedication!!! :D

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hailey's POV

"Come on Austin wake up wake up!"  I yelled. It was now 7am and we had to be at work by 8. Austin would kill me if I let her sleep in because she wouldn't have enough time to get ready!

"go away!" she grumbled her eyes glued shut.

"Work's in 5 minutes!" I yelled just to scare her. She jumped up and rushed into the shower grabbing her work clothes on the way. She came out of the shower in like 5 minutes and ran past me into the kitchen. I laughed to myself at her because of her obliviousness. I mean I am in my onesie and she didn't even think about why I'm not in my work clothes. She came to me brushing her teeth.

"I can brush my teeth on the way the- HEY!! Why are you in your onesie we need to go!" Austin exclaimed finally noticing my clothing.

"We still have 50 minutes to work!" I said laughing at her. She had tied her hair up in a bun still wet like she usually does when it's still wet and she's in a hurry, her mouth filled with foamy white toothpaste as she looked at me open mouthed.

"You mean I have been rushing around when i could have taken it a bit slower?" she mumbled with the toothpaste in her mouth.

I nodded grinning at her.

"I hate you," she said and i just smiled innocently at her.

"I am going to get food," I said and started walking through to the kitchen when I felt her tug at the hood on my Minnie Mouse onesie and drag me back to meet her angry face.

"Get dressed first!" she ordered.

"I am your legal guardian and I say i am going to get food," I argued.

"You really need to stop using that excuse cause as soon as I turn 18 you aren't anymore!!" she jeered.

"But I am right now," I argued and went into the kitchen.

"Dressed now!" she ordered ina stern voice.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause you take ages eating and you'lll be there and then I'll have to drag you to get dressed!" she exclaimed.

"Fine," I grumbled going in the direction of my bedroom. I had a shower last night so I didn't need one this morning. I got changed into my work outfit and brushed my hair putting it up in a ponytail so it was out the way and when I was dancing while stacking the shelves it wouldn't get in my face.

I came back into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge. I took out a chocolate cake when Austin stopped me.

"You are not eating that for your breakfast!" Austin said trying to take it out my hands to put back in the fridge.

"Fine," I grumbled not usually giving up on my food and she looked surprised then looked at me suspiciously before I dashed into my bedroom and opened my mini fridge beside my bed. What? If i wake up hungry in the night and don't want to get out of bed I need something to feed me! Anyway I took the cake that I keep in there and started eating it.

"Miss Glass what do you think you're doing?" Austin's voice shouted form behind me.

"Nothing," I mumbled my mouth full of cake.

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