Chapter 1 part 2

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What do you do?
A) Get your scroll out and call M.O.M.
B) Get to beacon yourself (like a boss).

(Get your scroll out and call M.O.M.)
"Looks like i'm gonna need a ride", you said as you took out your scroll to call M.O.M. "Hey there, could you give me a ride?", you chuckled nervously. "You're late and on the first day no less.", she sign. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right there.", she said. "Uh, where can I go?", you both chuckle at your remark.

- Time skip -

It took a couple of hours but you made it to beacon. "Bye M.O.M.", you said as you wave to her. "See ya later, kido.", said M.O.M., as you turn around facing the school.
(Go to part 3.)

(Get to beacon yourself)
"Looks like I'm gonna warm-up to school.", you said with a sly smile. Why not you are a fucking ninja after all. You ran towards a car, jump on it, and jump towards the nearest building. Then you junp from roof-top to roof-top with assist from poles and ledges.

- Time skip -

It took a couple of hours but you made it to beacon. You panted and bend toward your knees. I have never gone this far, ever. Next time, call M.O.M, you thought. You took a few deep breaths before facing towards the school.
(Go to page 3)

A/n: I was thinking that do to her appearnce. She would make a great addition to the ranks of Atlis. Don't you agree?

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