One: The Coy Pond

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"Phoebe! We don't have all day!" Mother hollered from the bottom of the stairs. I winced at the shrill sound, my dark brown eyes examining my dress in the mirror. I brushed my curls over my shoulder and took a deep breath.

"Everything is fine. It's just brunch." I whispered softly to myself and took a moment to calm my racing heart. I hated this act. I hated pretending that I loved Elijah. I didn't. I couldn't tell if he loved me but I knew for sure that he wasn't the one for me. My parents thought otherwise. 

"Phoebe, come on!" My brother, Connor, drudged. I rolled my eyes, ready to blow up on him. I exhaled, knowing I needed to keep my composure. I took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my purse. I jogged down the stairs and met up with my family at the bottom. They didn't look too happy. 

"We are going to be late." Mother said bitterly and I just blinked, my brown eyes meeting her bright blue eyes. She groaned and stormed out the front door. My brother followed close behind her and with a deep sigh, Father followed after my brother.

"That's the point." I muttered to myself and then followed, my heels clicking against the wooden floors. As I walked out the front door of our mansion, the sunlight hit my sun-kissed skin. I sighed deeply and smiled softly, loving the feeling. 

"Ma'am." Ryan spoke. I looked over to see our butler, Ryan, holding open the car door for me. I smiled in thanks to him and he simply nodded. I climbed inside the car and he gently shut the door, a cheerful glimmer in his older blue eyes. He may have been an old man but he was one of my favorite people on this planet. 

"Phoebe, I want you to behave yourself. Cheryl is throwing this brunch in celebration of your engagement to Elijah." Mother told me coldly as her snake-like eyes narrowed on me. I blinked, my brown eyes studying her. 

"An engagement I had no say in?" I said in a monotone voice. Mother hissed, her menacing snarl making my brother cringe a bit. I didn't flinch. I had seen it one two many times. That woman seemed to have a constant scowl on her face. 

"Silence. This is beneficial to the both of you." Mother barked at me and leaned back in her seat, beginning to text rather furiously. I rolled my eyes and leaned back as well, crossing one leg over the other. I looked out the window and watched the city fly past us. 

I've always wanted to be more than this. I was born rich and I was going to die rich. It's not exactly the most exciting life. Sure, I can go anywhere I want and do anything I want. But, what's the point if you're tethered to someone you don't even love for the rest of your life? Sure, the money is nice but I would trade it all for true love. 

I felt my phone buzz in my hand and I looked down, seeing I had a text from Elijah. I exhaled, not really in the mood to deal with him. I just ignored the text and went back to looking out the window. I watched the birds fly over us, a small smile on my lips. 

"We're here." Father said as he cleared his throat. Mother and Connor climbed out of the car, followed by Father. I climbed out last, holding Father's hand to steady me as I stepped out. I looked up to see Elijah walking up to meet with us. 

"I was beginning to fear you wouldn't show!" Elijah laughed and walked up to me, kissing my cheek. I frowned a little and let him rest his arm around my waist. Mother showed off that fake smile of hers that she had perfected over the years. 

"We wouldn't miss this for the world! Right, Phoebe?" Mother said as her blue eyes narrowed at me. Elijah looked down at me and I gave him a weak smile, nodding. 

"Yeah, of course." I said and looked up at my expectant fiance. Elijah smiled widely and then looked up at my family. I blinked, letting my petite body rest against his. I may not feel love for him like that but he was still a decent guy. He wasn't bad to look at either. 

"Please, enjoy the party. My mother is ecstatic. I just want a few moments with Phoebe." Elijah said with a wide and charming smile. If I didn't know any better, I'd be fawning over that smile. My family happily obliged and walked off to the brunch. 

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked him, my brown eyes meeting his as I turned to face him. Elijah laughed a bit and shook his head, looking down at me lovingly. 

"Nothing. I just wanted to get out of that party. I feel like you don't even want to be here." Elijah said softly as he gently caressed my cheek. I smiled softly and blinked. 

"I don't. I'd much rather be at home, cuddled up in bed with Henry and watching Netflix." I laughed a bit, shaking my head. Elijah laughed as well at the mention of my dog and he gently took my hand. I led the two of us toward the garden, just wanting to get away from the socialite life. 

"I know how you feel. My mother always dragged me to these things, even when I was a kid." Elijah confessed as the two of us walked hand in hand. I saw a stone bench in front of a coy pond and quickly walked toward it. Elijah snickered at my excitement and let me drag him along. 

I slipped off my heels and climbed into the pond, giggling. I sat on the stone rim of the pond and set my feet inside the water. I watched the coy fish dance in the water. My smile only widened at the sight of them. Eventually, the fish became curious and began nibbling on my soft legs. I let out a squeal, still holding tight to Elijah's hand. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Elijah had been staring at me so lovingly. It made my stomach turn. I slowly turned to face him, a soft blush on my cheeks. Elijah chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. 

"I know it's an arranged marriage through our parents but... I'm glad it was you. You're different, Phoebe. I'd rather have you at my side for the rest of our lives than any other girl my parents would've matched me with." Elijah confessed. He slipped off his dress shoes and his dress socks, rolling up his slacks. He sat down beside me, setting his feet in the water. 

I smiled softly at his kind words and leaned my head against his shoulder. I gently squeezed his hand in reassurance and I felt his small smile. 

I may not love him but I could have a worse person I'd have to spend my life with.

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